Friday, October 02, 2020

What happened at 8008 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda? (Photos)

A vacant storefront at 8008 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda has been damaged, and appears to have been burglarized. A hole has been smashed in the lower front brick under the display window, and looking from Cordell Avenue, the rear door can be seen ajar. It's unclear how the hole was created, and what would have been used to make it - and to do it before anyone driving past on Wisconsin would notice. If a car had jumped the curb, I would expect the damage to extend higher.

The store has been closed for years as a Toll Brothers redevelopment project stalled out, so I'm not sure what of value may have even been in there at this point. Looking through the front window from the sidewalk, the interior appears to have been ransacked. I see no mention of any incident reported for this address in the crime data over the last week.


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    There may be homeless folks living in the vacant retail space now.

  2. MAJOR SCOOPAGE! nothing happens in this town without Bobby D walking by it!

  3. Anonymous7:21 AM

    They should just tear these buildings down already. There are probably squatters in there by now.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I miss the old Ranger Surplus. Where else to get a camouflage bikini!

