Saturday, November 21, 2020

Bethesda's Public Parking Lot 28 may be sold to private developer

Montgomery County is proposing to negotiate the sale of Public Parking Lot 28 at 4854 Cordell Avenue in Bethesda to a private real estate development firm. Greenhill Capital Corporation is the potential buyer, and has future plans to redevelop the 6000 SF parking lot in conjunction with other parcels it already owns on that block. Greenhill has not yet formally submitted development plans to the County, but the project under consideration would total about 400,000 SF of residential housing and ground floor retail.

The public is welcome to comment on the proposed sale prior to the start of negotiations. Any parties wishing to provide comments or other information to MCDOT about development of this parcel must contact MCDOT in writing by 5:00 PM on December 11, 2020 to the following address/email:

Attention: Christopher Conklin, Director 

Montgomery County Department of Transportation

101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850



  1. I support this if and only if Greenhill is finally ready to start building up instead of these little stand alone buildings.

  2. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I’m all for any building that covers that stupid mural of New York City. The tilted perspective is really odd, and makes the buildings in the mural, and nearby, look like they are collapsing. I know that art is subjective, but this is really bad. A collage of DC architectural landmarks perhaps, but why New York?

    It would be interesting to know what other nearby lots would be owned by the same developer. All the way down to Brickside?

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Greenhill, the developer, owns all the properties on the south side of the 4800 block of Cordell Avenue EXCEPT they do not own the buildings at 4830 (dentist office) and at 4860 (Bethesda Curry Kitchen). I also believe that they do not own the building at the corner of Woodmont that houses the Thai restaurant.
