Thursday, December 10, 2020

Potential facade changes to historic Bethesda bank building revealed (Photos)

The historic bank building at 7500 Wisconsin Avenue was just sold to a regional developer. That new owner will have the right to redevelop the property. But if it remains as-is, and is merely leased to new tenants, we're now getting our first look at how the 1927 building might be altered in these renderings released by KNLB.

Renderings courtesy KLNB


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    That site is pretty small to develop with a large building, unless combined with a neighboring property. A very small footprint would preclude most high density development, especially if parking is part of the program.

    Those renderings look pretty cheesy to me. The existing conditions actually look better than the proposed design. A nice cleaning of the existing dirty stone would be a better way to polish up the existing facade. With all the new banks coming to downtown, it seems the highest and best use would be another bank. A fancy new restaurant at that corner would be fun as well. Imagine a Joe’s Stone Crab, or a new Jose Andres restaurant on that corner. The historic old post office, now vacant again, seems like another great place for fine dining.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    A CVS by any other name would look as lame. When was it that architects outright rejected aesthetics?

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    To Anonymous, 9:56AM

    At least since 1977

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Hopefully these renderings are only intended to get a tenant interested, and are not actually proposed to be built. The cornices, Dryvit cladding and dental molding are indeed awful and highly inappropriate at this prominent corner.
