Monday, January 04, 2021

4 cars stolen in Bethesda, Chevy Chase

It's a new year, but the 2020 spike in auto thefts is still with us in Montgomery County. A car parked along the street in the 5200 block of Ventnor Road in the Green Acres neighborhood of Bethesda was stolen early yesterday morning. It is believed that the vehicle was taken sometime between 12:30 AM and 7:45 AM that morning. Property was also stolen from another vehicle on the same block.

Montgomery County police had responded to the report of another vehicle stolen just hours earlier Sunday morning, this time in Chevy Chase. That car was parked in the driveway of a home in the 4800 block of De Russey Parkway.

A day earlier, a vehicle parked along the street in the 3400 block of Thornapple Street in Chevy Chase was also reported stolen. That same morning, a car was taken from the driveway of a home in the 9100 block of Hollyoak Drive in Bethesda, and items were taken from at least one other car on that block, and from another car in the 7900 block of Charleston Court.


  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Vote Republican next time.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    You bought the ticket Moco Libs. Enjoy the ride.

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Didn't Republicans in Congress just insist on blocking state and local aid in the latest COVID relief bill, ensuring that we will defund police and public schools? Yes, I believe they did.

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    @12:47 PM: Oh, so you're telling me that MoCo needs a federal bailout to support its own police now? You're telling me that you and your democrat brethren are not personally willing to pay the taxes necessary to support MoCo police without asking other states/counties pick up the tab? You're telling me that there isn't a viable tax base in MoCo to support funding of the MoCo police without asking for a federal bailout? You're asking the federal government to print money that it doesn't have and to burden future generations with insurmountable debt so that you can "fund" police in MoCo? Maybe you should look in the mirror and realize that you voted for the very people and policies in MoCo that have failed you here. I don't think you'll learn that unless you don't get the money.

    Schools.... You want to talk Public schools? Maybe illegal immigrants of any race/nationality shouldn't be in MoCo schools and overburden the limited resources it has available. There, I solved your school funding problem.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    @ 12:47 PM - To expand 8:17 AM's point. If there isn't a viable tax base in MoCo sufficient to independently fund MoCo Police without federal assistance, why is that and who caused that?

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Amen 817

  7. Anonymous6:10 AM

    @11:18 AM: Thank you.
