Saturday, January 23, 2021

Parvizian Rugs moving up Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda

Parvizian Fine Rugs
is one of many businesses impacted by the future redevelopment of 7000 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. Some have closed, and others are relocating. There has been some extensive renovation of a retail storefront next to Saphire Cafe in recent days, and now I'm told that Parvizian will be the new tenant there.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Seems like an odd move from one building about to be torn down (for 7000 Wisconsin), to another, about to be torn down (for 8000 Wisconsin). Perhaps a short term lease, but still, all the hassle, construction cost, permitting and expense of moving adds up. Why not just pick a vacant storefront in downtown that is not slated for demo?

    Or is this a sign that the 8000 Wisconsin project has been canceled entirely. A ton of design expense, effort and many revisions went into getting that fully entitled.

  2. Anonymous9:05 PM

    This allows them to have more "Going out of business" sales.
