Saturday, January 30, 2021

Thieves steal from multiple vehicles on Hillandale Road in Bethesda

One or more thieves struck on Hilllandale Road in Bethesda (technically Chevy Chase) between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, stealing property from multiple vehicles. Valuables or auto parts were stolen from at least eight vehicles parked along that road between Little Falls Parkway and downtown Bethesda. At least four more vehicles were targeted on Chevy Chase Drive, which extends between Hillandale and Bradley Boulevard.


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Should have voted republican #buyersremorse

    Bethesda becoming another leftist cesspool....Chicago, NYC, DC etc

  2. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Clearly those Biden-Harris, BLM and "Hate Has No Home Here" signs didn't work for you. Oh well, too bad. Vote Republican next time.
