Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mattress Firm starts closing sale in downtown Bethesda

Mattress Firm
has begun its closing sale at 6950 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. It's really more of a moving sale, as the store is relocating to 7020 Wisconsin. No one is more excited about this than Tube Guy/Tube Man/Tall Boy, who is out in front of the store attracting the attention of drivers and passersby who need new mattresses. 

Mattress Firm is moving because their building is being demolished for residential housing. The brand has made a successful run that is going to continue in downtown Bethesda, five years after it acquired Sleepy's, which occupied this space prior to that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    The Tube Guy is having more of a nightlife than most people experience in Bethesda now.
