Monday, March 29, 2021

Chevy Chase Lake construction update (Photos)

Here's a look at the major progress in the construction at Chevy Chase Lake along Connecticut Avenue, A Purple Line station is a part of the development. The redevelopment of several commercial properties includes several new residential buildings with ground floor retail and dining space.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Thanks for the update! I’m not a fan of this brand new “ye old” retro style of architecture. New development should to reflect the era that the project is built, and should not ape the past like this project. I suppose some Chevy Chasers might like this though.

    Chevy Chase Lake will be easily accessible from downtown Bethesda, using the Purple Line or a stroll or bike ride on the CCT, so it might be a fun place to visit to shop, or for a meal or dessert. Folks that live there will have great access to all that Bethesda and Silver Spring offer. Hopefully more of these transit oriented developments get developed at other Purple Line Stations. It will certainly take some time, but perhaps someday the Purple Line Corridor will have some of the vitality of the Rosslyn to Ballston Corridor in Arlington.

  2. Roald9:28 AM

    Transit station usage has been down a consistent 55%-60% since the pandemic started in Montgomery County.
    Hasn't budged at all, even with free bus fare.

    So, I'm skeptical about transit usage patterns moving forward. The New York Times reports today that even Manhattan offices of major companies aren't going to see workers return on any regular basis.

    During an average rush hour on the Red Line, you'd spend many stops from Metro Center to Shady Grove face to face with a stranger, hanging on to a rail. Is anyone going to do that again?

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I share Roald's skepticism. Ridership may increase from current low levels, but former riders who have other options will not go back to commuting daily by metro. And the thinking behind all the new high-rise developments in MoCo seems to be 'if you build it, they will come.' I'm skeptical about that as well.
