Sunday, April 11, 2021

Griffin Cycle open at new Bethesda location

Griffin Cycle
has moved over to its new location a few doors down at 4933 Bethesda Avenue. The new space is larger than the original location. Griffin, a family-owned business, is celebrating 50 years in operation.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Great, they were quite cramped before. Is this the old Malaysian restaurant space?

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I stopped by today. Very nice inside and way bigger.

    I wish the county would do something to improve the sidewalks along that stretch. Very dangerous and unattractive and especially with kids on bikes going to and from this larger bike store. I know these small businesses like their head in parking, but it’s time to put in a nice wide sidewalk, with benches, street trees and pedestrian scale lights. Add back some parallel parking spacing on the north side of Bethesda Avenue, for the whole block, and only suffer a small loss of net parking. The extra space in front of the shops would make nice outdoor dining areas, or in the case of the bike shop, a nice set of bike racks.

    This would help extend the look and feel of Bethesda Row, and help include these shops as part of the active pedestrian network. It appears that the south side of this block is done and dusted, now that EuroMotor Cars is now finished.
