Sunday, May 09, 2021

2 cars stolen near River Road in Bethesda

Items taken from 2 others

Two cars were reported stolen from homes in the River Road corridor of Bethesda on Friday. Montgomery County police were called after vehicles parked on the street in the 6500 block of Callander Drive in Bannockburn, and the 6500 block of Millwood Road (another numerologist thief?), in Kenwood Park were stolen. 

Items were removed from a vehicle parked in the 6200 block of Dunrobbin Drive in Fairway Hills. Property was also stolen from a vehicle on nearby Goldsboro Road, and the thief later attempted to use credit cards that were taken in that theft. Lock those car doors, and don't leave any valuables that are visible inside the car.


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If MoCo is like similar ultra-liberal jurisdictions, the police make no attempt to catch the thieves. Instead, they just hand out the insurance forms to the victims of car theft. If the stolen car is found and ends up being impounded, the victim is charged a fee to reclaim their own stolen car, based on a daily rate for each day the car remains unclaimed. So the criminals go free, and law-abiding citizens are penalized for having their cars stolen from the driveway of their own homes where it was parked. And who can blame the police for making no attempt to apprehend the criminals, when doing so can land them in jail? This is the dystopia we have ended up in.

  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Many people do not have insurance coverage for stolen vehicles.

  3. Love the person blaming "ultra-liberal jurisdictions" for this. Sorry Trump lost and his stupid coup failed. Cope.

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The fact-free right-wing speculation above will no doubt soon be treated by the right as fact. This is the dystopia we have ended up in.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Is it wrong to expect that laws will be enforced? And when all 46 partisan offices in Montgomery County are held by liberal Democrats, what can we expect---other than keeping schools and libraries closed?

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    The Democratic party has a strangle-hold on political power in MoCo, and by all indications, auto thieves can steal cars parked in the driveways and curbs of MoCo homes with impunity (and by the way, Robert has not reported that another complex in MoCo was hit, resulting in the theft of at least 2 vehicles and items stolen from other cars, this past Sunday night). Car theft is becoming just another price of living in liberal-left utopia. Maybe the posters at 1:12 PM and 4:37 PM think allowing burglars to steal cars with impunity is an example of social justice. If you want to know where this is heading, look at California.
