Friday, May 28, 2021

5500 Wisconsin Avenue redevelopment community meeting scheduled

A community meeting has been scheduled for the unveiling of a proposal to redevelop retail structures at 5500 Wisconsin Avenue in the Friendship Heights area of Chevy Chase. The sketch plan will propose a mixed-use project with 380 residential units and 15,000 SF of retail and restaurant space on the ground floor. 

While the site is zoned for a maximum height of 90', the project could gain additional height by providing more affordable units than required, or via other bonus methods. The project will provide an opportunity to revitalize one corner of a struggling corridor that not long ago was touted as "Montgomery County's Rodeo Drive." Now a moribund stretch of empty storefronts, it will be up to individual developers to bring back the luster, a challenge as the rich continue to flee to lower-tax jurisdictions in the region. The Montgomery County Council's public comments on the decline of Friendship Heights embarrassingly indicated they do not understand what has gone wrong, what their role was in the stagnation, and have no clue how to fix it. 

The virtual online community meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 6:30 PM at You can also join the meeting by telephone at (786) 535-3211 and entering the access code 347-660-469.


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    It's absolutely embarrassing what's happened to Friendship Heights. This isn't enough to save it.

    It's hard to believe how badly the corrupt MoCo Cartel ruined it, but they did. A wealthy commuting suburb to that Nation's Capital, one of the wealthiest areas in the whole freaking country, and it looks like a dying strip mall.

  2. Is that where the fur store used to be?
