Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Another sign of new Starbucks in Bethesda

The future Starbucks at 7200 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda has added another sign to the building facade. This one is at the corner of the building, to ensure that those driving, cycling (eventually, on the Capital Crescent Trail surface detour), and walking up Bethesda Avenue don't miss that the ubiquitous chain is there. The current Starbucks across Bethesda Avenue is in one of several structures that will be torn down for a high-rise in the coming years.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    It will be nice having a big new Starbucks at the corner, especially with all the adjacent plaza space for outdoor dining. The one across the street is very small with zero outdoor space.

  2. Will this actually be another Starbucks or the one across Bethesda Avenue relocating here? I know how Starbucks loves to populate areas more than cicada's do, but this close should be uncomfortable for one store or the other.

  3. Looking forward to it!

    I'll be getting a piping hot beverage from that new Starbucks.
