Sunday, July 04, 2021

Amazon Fresh grocery carts arrive at future Chevy Chase store (Video+Photos)

Amazon Fresh-branded grocery carts are now on-site at the future Amazon Fresh grocery store at the Collection at Chevy Chase shopping center in Friendship Heights. The green and orange carts are lined up in the cart return lanes in the parking lot outside the store. 

Another update on the store: Amazon is restoring Wisconsin Circle/Western Avenue access to the grocery space. My favorite part of Amazon Fresh entering the Washington D.C. area grocery market? I scooped every news outlet in the region and nation, by being the first to report and confirm both Montgomery County Amazon Fresh stores, on Shady Grove Road in Gaithersburg and here in Chevy Chase.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Absolute worst
    More overpriced than Whole Paycheck
    Lotta prepackaged foods ala Starbucks

    This is a senior area
    There will be no Safeway like specials such as the buy 2 get 6 progressive soups for free like at Safeway all last year

    Seniors on rigid budgets will not be able to pay 15 for slice prepackaged strawberry slices

    Where are antitrust enforcers in USA.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Now we know why Amazon tried yo keep quiet the China flu emanating from Wuhan lab

    It’s like amazon won with this flu
    They killed small businesses and grocery stores


  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Doesn’t the zoning for this site require a “full service grocery store” ?? Doesn’t seem like amazon fresh would qualify. the notoriously litigious neighbors may sue. I live within walking distance in DC, but will never shop here.
