Monday, July 12, 2021

Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition to protest sale of Westwood Tower today at 5:00 PM

The Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition will protest the Montgomery County Housing Opportunity Commission's sale of Westwood Tower to Charger Ventures today, July 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM. According to a statement released by BACC, the protest will take place outside of a private home in Westmoreland Hills. 

Moses African Cemetery is hidden under the parking lot of Westwood Tower. The BACC has criticized the HOC for not giving cemetery stakeholders any advance notice of the sale, and for releasing the cemetery from government control to a private owner. "This is white supremacy and capitalism at its lowest,” Dr. Timothy Willard, Co-Chair of the Montgomery County Green Party, said in the BACC statement.

BACC President Marsha Adebayo said the sale "affects a huge number of stakeholders, from renters, taxpayers, county and state government as well as the BACC, the Macedonia Baptist Church and the Descent Community.  The Montgomery County community and its leaders must speak out and demand that this 'back door' deal is stopped in its tracks.” 

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