Saturday, August 21, 2021

Nature reclaims site of the future Claiborne condos in Bethesda (Photos)

The Claiborne
condominium project has experienced major changes and epic delays in its journey from blueprint to eventual construction. Most of its future site at 4820 Auburn Avenue has reverted to its natural state, while the rest is still occupied by vacant Norfolk Avenue storefronts that were cleared out before the latest holdup. The overgrown area was once home to Steamers (the concrete steps in the above photo are one of the few elements of that restaurant left). Listen carefully, and you may hear the call of the wild!


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The property owner/developer should be forced to clean this up and maintain it.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Huh? Why would you think a cleared lot is better than one with bushes, trees, and ivy? How weird.

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    @9:30 PM: It's not weird at all. Unmanaged overgrowth on this site presents a substantial fire risk as well as a breeding ground for vermin and other pests. You didn't consider either of those?

  3. I'm hoping @9:30 was being facetious.
