Thursday, August 19, 2021

Police to patrol Landon Village after armed carjacking

Montgomery County police will patrol the Landon Village area of Bethesda in the coming days, 2nd District Commander Captain Sean Gagen says, following Tuesday morning's armed carjacking in the 7700 block of Westfield Drive in Landon Woods. Captain Gagen has also provided more details about the alarming incident.

Gagen says the victim was returning home Tuesday morning, and parked in her driveway. She noticed an individual inside a vehicle parked in front of the home, and "confronted" that individual. That person produced a firearm, and proceeded to carjack her vehicle from the driveway. The victim's vehicle was then seen following a silver 4-door sedan out of the neighborhood. 

No description of the suspects has been released so far, but detectives are working to identify them. Gagen advises residents to "continue to lock your car doors, remove valuables from inside the passenger compartments, and always take your keys with you." He also urges residents to call the police non-emergency number at 301-279-8000 if they observe unusual or suspicious activity, and 911 if it appears to be an emergency situation.


  1. Anonymous5:24 AM

    When seconds matter, the police will be there in minutes.

    Thanks to Democrats & Bail Reform those arrested will be back out on the street committing more crimes the same day.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    @5:24 AM: Exactly right. These criminals also know that given MD's strict laws ("May Issue") on conceal carry, that virtually nobody in Bethesda is carrying. MoCo police need to get a handle on this quickly.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    @12:45 That's what I meant when I commented about CC. MD is one of the very few in the nation that is a May Issue state. MD needs to become a Shall Issue. There's a great video on YouTube from a guy down South, maybe SC, who tells a scary story late at night at a gas station. He had situational awareness but was quickly boxed in by two cars. He grabbed his firearm and was ready to engage. No shots were fired and the would be assailants sped off. He went into the convenience store where police were notified and sometime later and down the road, the creeps were arrested. That needs to be made possible here. When are people going to realize that things can be dangerous these days at any time? They may have a weapon and illegally but as a "good guy" you can't? Makes zero sense.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      I'm honestly not sure how anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together can look at America and come away thinking "you know what the problem is? Not enough guns."

  4. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Anonymous is still drinking the Biden koolaid

    I’ve noticed in my neighborhood in Bethesda the Biden signs are being removed. Even democrats know this demented fool and Blinken and Kamala a
    Have created a universal catastrophe st the border and in Afghanistan

    My neighbor with theBlack Lives Matter Marxist Cuba signs was just .burgularized
    Ps Trump won

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    @8:21 AM: As long as the criminals have illegal guns to commit crimes, I'll have/purchase my guns legally to protect myself and the people I care about, thank you. I know that's very triggering for you. I don't care. You aren't actually concerned about my safety or the safety of my family. It's all a virtue-signaling act on your part to fit in with your leftist NPC fellow-travelers. Yeah, I called you on it.

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      "I know that's very triggering to you" says the guy triggered by my comment, without an ounce of self-awareness.

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      @ 8:32 Thank you for calling out craziness and nonsense. Crooks have guns illegally if they want and good guys in Maryland can't? Doesn't the liberal Left see an issue with that? They are all about equity and fairness. Well, how fair is it when a dumb ass teenager with an illegal gun comes and jacks your car on a Saturday evening and goes about his business and you're left with nothing? Call the police? Bad guy is gone already. I'm tired of this false and faceless narrative about more guns. Yes, we do need more of them, in our hands. Bad guys already have theirs. Are we simply supposed to ask nicely, don't steal my car and don't mug me? Ridiculous. Anti 2A on full display. Remember Charlton Heston? Cold, dead hand.

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    @9:54 PM: Looks like what I said struck a nerve with you. Good. As I said before, an asinine comment like the one you made shows you don't give a damn about my safety or my family's safety. Thankfully, I don't have to rely on you for that. You either don't care or you don't have the self-awareness to understand that criminals will not give up their illegal guns. You can't tell the difference between a legal gun and an illegal gun for that matter. You probably have the same problem with telling the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    @5:03 AM: Thank you. I will call this stuff out every time I see it. I will never allow someone like @8:21 AM/@9:54 PM to attempt to lecture me on guns when it's clear to me that they're in utter denial of obvious truths about them.

    Hey @8:21 AM/@9:54 PM: Legal Guns Matter! I don't believe "All Guns Matter". Chew on that and get back to me.
