Friday, August 13, 2021

Potomac auto theft spree continues

Potomac has become the new, unlikely hotspot for an apparent auto theft ring. At least five cars were stolen from homes in Potomac last weekend. Four more are now reported having been taken in recent days. Vehicles were stolen from a parking lot in the 1000 block of Seven Locks Road, a home in the 8600 block of Brickyard Road, a home's garage in the 9200 block of Cranford Drive, and from the driveway of a home on Cherbourg Court this week.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Not at all unlikely. Ultra-rich area with fancy cars and quick-ish access to the Beltway and escape, and the criminal's fair assumption that residents won't stand for police check-points to confirm vehicle ownership and "belonging" in the area, like MPD was doing in violence-prone neighborhoods in DC.

    My question is, did that A&E show, "Real Housewives of Potomac" draw undue attention to the area. I've never seen the show, but the commercials seem to play up the the idea of the place being awash in money, of servants tossing out with the trash Glad bags filled with soiled, worn-out cash.

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Guess those BLM/Biden-Harris/Hate Has No Home Here signs/stickers don't work all the time... Oh well. Call a social worker since you defunded the police and be sure to vote Republican next time.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      No one says to call a social worker for car theft. How intellectually embarrassing can you be?

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Completely agree with Anonymous @11:38 AM. Thieves aren't stupid. Like bees to honey, they are drawn to wealthy enclaves. My understanding is that Potomac schools are a magnet for parents who are willing to pay higher housing prices so that their children can attend public schools there. Anyway, Bethesda may have been getting stale, and moving to Potomac is logical if they are looking for fresh prey.

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    @6:22 Liberal trying to be smart fails miserably. Wait for the day when you need help after your party had defunded the police.

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    #11:38, #1:11, and #3:39 Sound like jealous Potomac wannabes of the MAGA type, just looking for some racist bent to serve their RWNJ purpose, spewing hate. Auto thieves hardly have the attention span or mental processing ability to watch an A&E program, even if it features rich Black folk. Besides, this show has aired for sex seasons. If they wanted to strike, they would have hit after season one. Further more, if you even knew about this Hollywood reality crap, none of the housewives even live in Potomac. Defund the police, the other racial buzz phrase, right behind, or neck and neck with CRT. If you people were so educated, and smart, you'd know the true meaning of these terms you so easily use for race baiting. Finally, how oxymoronic to compare housing prices to education value. Anyone who can afford the cost of housing in a particular community will buy there for several reasons, including quality of education. You seem to fail to grasp the concept, and tag it as a racial issue, in a overt manner. Yeah I hear that dog whistle, but its an abject failure.

  6. Anonymous8:48 AM

    @6:22 -- The idea is to jam in as many reactionary talking points as possible, not to be logical or coherent.

  7. Anonymous9:04 AM

    For those curious to learn how quickly & efficiently a modern car can be stolen, this quick read for you:

    I hope Robert will allow this link, because it is an interesting, if sobering, primer. If linking is against the house rules, do yourself a favor, readers, and look for how do thieves steal cars without keys on your favorite *cough* Google *cough* search engine. Follow that up with a search for preventing theft of keyless cars The preventative steps may not work, but then again, perhaps they might.

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Wonder if all the rich white liberals voting for democrat socialist will change their minds when their 2 million dollar homes are worth $350,000 autos stolen and wives and children are in danger of being home invaded and have to pay increased property taxes to school the covid migrants ms13 pouring through open border

    Mask up morons

  9. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Grew up in Bethesda supersafe and cops cruised through hoods discouragingvburgularies car thefts l
    Fairly conservative from Reagan Bush govt workers
    Now all the Obamabiden government workers trash moved out yo Bethesda Chevy Chase it’s very dangerous

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    @6:22 PM: Given that the police won't have the funding to prevent or investigate these kinds of crimes, I'm saying that people should call a social worker for a counseling session because of that. Looks like that went right over your head.

  11. "Wonder if all the rich white liberals voting for democrat socialist will change their minds"
    No, they will learn nothing, and they will double down on stupidity.
    Hell, the Council was sued for giving Covid to illegals - and got some
    pansy judge to side with these idiots. Giving taxpayer money to illegals.

  12. Anonymous12:42 PM

    @11:38 AM: Absolutely right. Bethesda is a target-rich area for theft and violent crime. You've got nice cars, nice houses and nice stuff. The criminals know that given MD's strict gun laws ("May Issue") that virtually no-one is concealed carrying here either. Combine that with the outright denial of reality that the County Council and many residents have about crime, it makes for a real problem that won't be resolved unless some hard and unpopular truths are confronted.
