Sunday, September 19, 2021

Car stolen from Pooks Hill in Bethesda

Once again, grand theft auto was committed in Bethesda. Yesterday morning, September 18, 2021, Montgomery County police were called to the 5100 block of Pooks Hill Road to investigate a report of a stolen vehicle at 10:52 AM, according to crime data.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Another one.... It's open season over here and the corrupt MoCo Cartel doesn't give a hoot about it.

  2. Perhaps Mr. Dyer its time to end the posting of these crimes, which obviously serve no benefit, but to rile the restless tiki torch mob.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Like the liberal media who prefers only to report the news that fits their narrative, 8:31 AM has pulled the mask down revealing their belief that a good media is a compliant media. Hearing all news just wouldn't be good as it would show how incompetent the people in charge of this county are. And that's just fine with liberals. Pathetic

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    @8:31 AM: This is a very on-brand request for a leftist like you, so thanks for being true-to-form: Suppress the actual news; Pretend like it isn't happening; Blame everyone else but yourself and your failed ideas.

    Question for you though and don't dodge it: if your vehicle is stolen, would you want Robert to post about it?
