Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Two more cars stolen from homes in Edgemoor, Sumner neighborhoods of Bethesda

Auto thieves have stolen at least two more vehicles from residential neighborhoods in Bethesda in recent days. Montgomery County police responded to a report of a stolen car at a home in the 5100 block of Hampden Lane in Edgemoor at 5:19 AM on Sunday morning, September 5, 2021. On Monday morning, police were summoned to a house in the 5700 block of Overlea Road in Sumner to investigate the theft of a vehicle there.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Oh well. That's too bad. If you only had more BLM/Biden-Harris/Hate Has No Home Here signs placed, perhaps the criminals would have seen them and changed their minds about stealing your vehicles. Pro tip for next time: Be sure to put these stickers on the vehicles themselves.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Does 8:03 have some sort of mental issue? Does he not realize he makes the same comment over and over again?

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Lol how is that Defund the Police movement going?

  3. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Does ten AM have some sort of mental issue? Does that person not realize that liberals make the same mistakes over and over again?

  4. Anonymous3:48 AM

    He's got a point because those signs are really stupid. Especially the Biden/Harris ones. Can you imagine Harris as president? I shudder to think of it.

  5. Anonymous4:43 AM

    What does BLM have to do with a car theft? You're just to afraid to say the n-word, or something?

  6. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Called insanity doing the same things over and over again expecting different results, Democrats now hiding behind "racism" for every problem they see when it's the mirror they need to look at.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Has anyone created "I'm vaccinated" signs yet? Maybe the thieves would spare them.

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    @10:03 AM: Considering that leftists like you continue to vote for the MoCo politicians and policies that have failed and continue to fail the MoCo community at large and which allow crimes like this to occur with such frequency, yeah I'll keep commenting on this. I know you'd prefer that I'd stop pointing out your complete ownership of this failure. I won't.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    @4:43 AM: Are you assuming that BLM signs would only stop thieves of a specific race from stealing a vehicle? That's pretty racist of you to assume that the sign would only apply to a specific race and discourage members of that specific race from stealing a vehicle. I wasn't thinking of the N-Word. Sounds like you were though.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    @9:06 AM: Great idea! Maybe those would work better. We could also have "We triple mask in this home" signs as well.

    Actually, the sign that could work the best to deter vehicle theft would be: "We support defunding the police". Hey leftists: make sure you leave that sign up after the police arrive at your home to help you.

  11. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I honestly can't tell if the constant commenter is legitimately conservative or if he's trying to make conservatives look cuckoo.

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    @2:53 PM: They're putting their signs away after they call the police and before they show up.

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    @10:14 PM: "A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Welcome to the Monkey House

  14. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "An insane person will literally research quotes to try and explain that they're actually the only sane person, but ironically this makes them look even more insane."


  15. Anonymous8:16 PM

    @7:38 AM: I'm not impressed. You added nothing of value here.
