Sunday, October 24, 2021

Car stolen in Chevy Chase

A car was reported stolen in Chevy Chase early yesterday morning. The vehicle was taken from a residential parking lot in the 4700 block of Chevy Chase Drive. It is believed the vehicle was stolen sometime between 10:00 PM and 4:20 AM, according to crime data.


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    There goes another one.

    For all you defunding deniers here:

    Neff, a former federal probation officer, said he was worried his car could get destroyed in the time it would take Montgomery County Police to farm out a call because the department’s Auto Theft unit had been disbanded earlier this year, due to defunding.

    “The auto theft unit was disbanded six months ago,” Neff said. “They used to have six officers and one sergeant. Now the police don’t have the manpower to go get the cars when people report them stolen.”


    These types of calls, he said, now had to be looped in with lower-level crimes. Neff said his detective neighbor said there had already been 500 auto thefts in Montgomery this year.

    Montgomery County police did not return a request for comment by the publication of this story.


    MoCo Police's Auto Theft unit had been disbanded earlier this year, DUE TO DEFUNDING!

    500 Auto Thefts in MoCo this year. Brought to you by the entirely leftist controlled corrupt MoCo Cartel and the woke leftists who voted for this. You own it.

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Funding didn't change; the unit was reorganized. The officers are still employed by MCPD and do the same work. Educate yourself.

  3. You can't fix stupid RWNJ's. @6:36 AM Permanently deranged.

  4. Anonymous10:38 AM

    8:12 AM still can't comprehend economics beyond their zero sum gain outlook.

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    @8:12 AM: You're saying that WTOP, a very reliable source, is reporting and spreading misinformation then? Go on and say it. Let me hear it.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    8:12 AM's denial of true information is explained here: , especially at the 5:16 Timestamp

    "Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crashes his, then he will understand, but not before that. That's the tragic of the situation of demoralization."

    8:12 AM: That describes you.

  7. Anonymous12:52 PM

    @10:38 AM: Exposure to true information doesn't matter to 8:12 AM. He is completely demoralized.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    WTOP is quoting someone's OPINION, genius. Talk to someone from PD LIKE ME if you want actual facts.

  9. Anonymous3:17 PM

    1:23 PM: Ok "PD LIKE ME" - Why are cars getting stolen in MoCo with such high frequency and who's doing it? What explains the continued failure of elected MoCo officials and the MoCo Police to quash this crime wave of auto theft here? Let's see YOUR facts.

  10. Anonymous3:33 PM

    @1:23 PM - PD would never employ someone who posts BS on blogs. Have fun in jail for impersonation.

  11. That WTOP article is moronic. First of all, its clear the guy never actually called the police, who also would have asked for the GPS location and gone to retrieve the car. But its set all up like he had to do it by his own masculine self because the cops aren't interested. How would he know that (and why would it be reported as fact) if he never called? Instead, he called his neighbor, and than the article reports what the he SAYS he HEARD from the neighbor detective. The very definition of 'hearsay', and not reliable. Regardless of where you stand on the causes of increased crime and the path towards mitigating it, that's one piece of slanted, irresponsible, and suspect "journalism".

  12. Anonymous12:13 PM

    @1:23 PM: Still waiting on those "actual facts" you said you could provide.
