Friday, November 26, 2021

Lego menorah lighting at Bethesda Row on November 28

Start the celebration of Chanukah in a memorable way this Sunday, November 28, 2021 (or the year 5872, to be completely accurate) at Bethesda Row. Join the Chabad of Bethesda at 5:00 PM on Bethesda Lane across from the Apple Store for the construction and kindling of a giant Lego menorah. 

Attendees at this event for all ages will be able to build their own Lego dreidel, and take selfies with Judah Macabee. Enjoy Chanukah music, a magic and juggling performance, and tasty latkes, donuts, and chocolate gelt.

The event is free, and no RSVP is required. If you have questions or need more information, call Chabad of Bethesda at 301-913-9777.

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