Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Strong-arm rape reported at Norwood Park in Chevy Chase

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a strong-arm rape at a park in Chevy Chase early Saturday morning, November 13, 2021. The sexual assault was reported at a park in the 4700 block of Norwood Drive at 12:00 AM, according to crime data. Norwood Local Park is on that block. No further information is available at this time.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "This is fine." - Corrupt MoCo Cartel

  2. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "Thanks, Obama/Biden/Erlich/BLM/Jawando/etc ad nauseum." - Every Right Wing Nut Job that fills Robert's comment section.
    No matter what the issue is, there's the same nutjob comments.
    Robert actually deleted my sarcastic response to all the RWNJ's that blamed the sewer break in White Oak into a creek on Biden being president. Y'all are NUTS.

  3. Anonymous7:23 AM

    @7:56 PM: You're part of the problem. Don't disassociate yourself from it. You own this.

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    It's not a mystery why there's rampant crime in MoCo and why nothing is being done about it.

    The corrupt leftist MoCo Politicians that you MoCo leftists voted for have destroyed the MoCo Police Department: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/montgomery-county-police-chief-says-morale-among-officers-is-at-lowest-hes-seen/2884990/

    You wanted this to happen. You voted for the people that did it. Own it.

  5. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Your seatbelt light has been off for years, you are free to move about the country. Florida has plenty of room in their steerage territory. LEAVE!

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    @12:04 PM: I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Remind me again why it's so difficult to get a conceal carry permit?
