Monday, December 13, 2021

2nd purse-snatching in 2 days in Friendship Heights

Someone has been methodically snatching purses in the Friendship Heights area of Chevy Chase in recent days. As I reported yesterday, one was grabbed at the Whole Foods Market on Willard Avenue on Friday. A day later, December 11, 2021, another purse was taken at a restaurant in the 4400 block of Willard Avenue at 7:53 PM, according to crime data. 


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    From the previous article:

    "Purse snatching and pocket picking crimes are trending upwards"

    Do you have the numbers for 2019, 2020, and 2021 (YTD)?

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    How do you know it's the same person in both cases?

  3. This is the prime season for purse snatchings and pocket pickings. Were these crimes actually snatchings and pickings, or were the goods left un attended in carts for the easy pickings?

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    @7:57 AM: Were they wearing short skirts that were just asking for it too? You're always victim blaming and shaming.

  5. @6:51 AM If the skirt fits wear it. You know darn well that when the cops arrive, the first thing they asked was, did you leave your property unattended? Answer: Uh, it was in my shopping cart while I just went down the other aisle for some beans. Put your short skirt on.
