Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Car stolen in Pooks Hill area of Bethesda

Car thieves are not in the Christmas spirit in Bethesda. A vehicle parked in the unit block of Pooks Hill Road was reported stolen yesterday morning, according to crime data. It is believed that the vehicle was taken sometime between 11:00 PM Monday night and 9:00 AM Tuesday morning.


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Bait Cars. Undercover informants. A dedicated task force of officers. Sufficient funding for all of these things. Either the MoCo Police won't do the job or they aren't being given the tools/funding to do the job to put an end to these crimes.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    You know you're in trouble when even liberal news outlets can no longer ignore it. Actually they would if there wasn't an election next year.

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Many people are leaving keyless car fobs in their car. Honestly, I didn't think newer cars with that technology can be started w/o the fob

  4. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Imagine being so uneducated about politics and journalism you think Bernard Goldberg is liberal.

  5. Anonymous4:05 AM

    @3:04 PM - "liberal news outlets" But it's hard to expect someone to comprehend the difference when they still believe Build Back Better will lower the deficit. You must still think Jennifer Rubin  is a conservative and votes Republican.

    Two liberals having an epiphany:

    @2:52 PM - Called relay theft, these cars are easier to steal than the chipped keys they replaced.

  6. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Imagine being so smug about your leftwing political beliefs that you think anyone who links rising crime to leftwing policies must be labeled as rightwing. Anyway, Bernard Goldberg probably is an old-fashioned liberal, since liberals believe in punishing criminals. It is the left who prioritize criminals over their innocent victims, and believe that allowing criminals to steal, loot and commit violent crimes with impunity serves the goal of 'social justice.'

  7. @2:52 You make absolutely no sense.

  8. Anonymous11:50 AM

    This is why the Smart Key, even though it is more expensive, is better than the Key with the Chip. Harder for Thieves to get around. Just don’t accidentally leave one of your smart keys in your car ! I carry one in each pocket but I never leave either of them in the car……….

  9. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Leftwing policies are to blame for the worst violent crime spike in US history happening under Donald Trump? What a great argument.
