Friday, December 10, 2021

Fox 5 news ticker outside Bethesda studios begins streaming headlines (Photos)

The news ticker on the plaza below the Fox 5 studios at 7272 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda came online several months ago, but yesterday it began to actually display scrolling news headlines. Stories included the possibility that Montgomery County officials won't end the indoor mask mandate even if previously announced goals are met, and sports headlines such as the one shown here about the Washington Football Team. 


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Big news that Bethesda Beat had not seen fit to post yet. Comrade Elrich ruling in true Socialist Marxist style.

    1. I wonder what percentage of Bethesda Beat $20,000 in donations come from elected officials and others who seek continue to have positive news coverage about their activities?

      They launder stories from politicians that provide PR that can be shared to boost the narratives that our elected officials want to spread, seemingly from a "trusted source".

      Should the magazine publish a list of "donors" to be transparent?

  2. Were these lines (@9:52AM & @11:42AM) captured from the FoxNews ticker?

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    As for BB, I find it shocking that they have not posted the news about the corrupt county council and exec discussing (which means acting) the moving of the goal post yet again on masking and also more than likely, telling restaurants to check your papers before you can come in and eat. They have been on top of every Covid development for over two years.

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    @10:17 AM: Where do you get your talking points from? Almost nothing you share is an original idea.
