Sunday, December 05, 2021

The Hunter's Hound aiming to open by December 14

The Hunter's Hound
is getting closer to opening day at 5471 Wisconsin Avenue at the Collection at Chevy Chase in Friendship Heights. As of today, they are hoping to open by Tuesday, December 14, 2021. The Irish restaurant and bar is currently undergoing the required Montgomery County inspections, so the opening date can't be set in stone just yet, however.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    They need something to rejuvenate this moribund "Collection". Hopefully this helps.

    We could use a couple more places like Hawkers in Bethesda. That place always seems to be busy. Just a few more places like it will help reach some kind of critical mass for a bar/nightlife scene here.

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    These kinds of places always wind up looking too modern for what they're trying to be. Why is it so hard for people to build Irish Bars that look Irish?

  3. @10:11 AM Well, look what happened to RiRa. If you want an authentic looking Irish bar head out to RTC and try Finnegan's Wake.
