Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Grocery store supply chain woes continue in Bethesda

Reports of sparsely-stocked or empty shelves continue to come in from grocery stores across the region, amidst the omicron surge and winter weather. Last night, the Bethesda Row Giant had no milk and no meat. Highways have been clear of winter weather for several days, so the trucks are not the problem.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Let's Go Brandon!

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I can't believe some still people think all the milk, produce and chickens are somewhere on I-95 delayed by snow that happened over a week ago.

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    @11:35 AM: Leftists are willing to believe it because they're stuck in a mass formation psychosis. It is a cult of groupthink now. It's not due to the weather. The roads are clear. This is due to people specifically deciding not to work because of policies, decisions and failures made by and guided by the decrepit fool in The White House. It's obvious that's what's happening, but it's too big of an admission from the leftist party loyalists to accept it and admit it now.

    You want to know how far irrational madness can take you off the edge of reason? Take this leftist woman who's a medical doctor:



    That's her kid that she's doing this to. How sad. It's emblematic of what disillusion will do to someone.

    Leftists are stuck in this madness and trying to gaslight everyone else to join them. They're "crabs in a bucket": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality

    I've got plenty of food/ammo/money/reruns for whatever's coming. Trust me, I can ride this out longer than you leftists can.

  4. I can honestly say I haven't had any trouble finding food in Bethesda. My freezer is full. My fridge is full. My pantry is full.

  5. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Westbard was really bad yesterday too.

  6. Anonymous5:40 AM

    @1:03 Seek help.

  7. @11:35AM You have a pathologicval disease of blaming the other guy. You must have been a joy in elementary school, constantly finger pointer and yelling to the teacher about how Johnny did it, it's all his fault. How immature and developmentally stunted of you. I just went to my local HT and low and behold, bare shelves, especially in produce....got to talking to the produce manager who said they had ordered an entire truckload but only got half....continued my errands and popped into the other HT I was passing.....totally stocked shelves.....go figure! But of course we have the right wing nutjob, naysayers blaming Joe....THAT one never stops! Kinda like the STEAL. EYE ROLL.

  8. Anonymous11:32 AM

    @1:03, Thank you! Your explanation makes so much more sense than the preposterous idea that this so-called "Omicron" Covid variant has sidelined 10-plus percent of the supply chain workers, from truck drivers to store clerks and everyone in between. The "media," government, business leaders, health officials and the food-&-entertainment industrial complex are all conspiring, trying to convince us this so-called "Omicron" has caused people to once again stay away from restaurants while the latest Covid "wave" crashes over the world. This, we are supposed to believe, means those not dining-out customers are now buying more food at grocery stores to prepare for home-cooked meals, (not to be confused with Meals Ready to Eat, which I am delighted to read you have amply stocked your bunker with,) thus putting greater strain on the supermarkets' stock. Straining credulity further, LAST WEEK'S winter storm, NOW LONG OVER, that paralyzed the east coast's primary north-south route, I-95, is supposed to be partially to blame, too? Puh-lease. I mean, come on, that's ludicrous. Who is so naïve and crab buckety they're going to believe DC-area residents would hear a winter storm was coming during a stay-away-from-restaurants, so-called "Omicron" wave and respond by clearing the shelves of every grocery store within 50 miles? DC'ers know how to handle winter weather; we know better than to panic and wipe out all the bread and milk when Doug Kamerer predicts so much as a dusting of snow. Their conspiracy to sell the unstocked shelves is completely paranoid and delusional; they must think we're all dumb as a bag of mallets for them to pass off the shortages as anything other than the fault of "Uncle Joe" Biden and his cadre of autocratic, monarchal, social-democrat BLMANTIFAs.

  9. Anonymous8:15 PM

    @5:40 AM: I'm so sorry this is happening to you, but I will not be part of your cult. Take your gaslighting elsewhere. Thanks.

  10. Anonymous9:38 PM

    @11:32 AM: President Biden has failed the country on every level and that's why things are the way they are. This failure is too much for many to accept, because it means that they'd have to admit that they're part of the failure. I expected him to be mediocre, but he has failed so much more than I could have ever imagined. I'm not alone in saying this: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/589450-quinnipiac-poll-shows-biden-with-33-percent-approval-rating

    Quinnipiac poll shows Biden with 33 percent approval rating:

    - 33% approve of Biden's job performance. 54% disapprove.
    - 25% of independents approve. 57% disapprove.
    - 53% of Americans disapprove and 43% strongly disapprove, which is 10 percentage points more than his total approval.
    - 75% of Democrats approve, down from 87% of Democrats approving in November.

    And that's with a Pravda lockstep media propping him up like "Weekend at Bernies".

    President Biden's overall approval rating in the last seven Quinnipiac polls: 49%, 46%, 42%, 38%, 37%, 36%, 33%......

    See a trend? He's going to be in the 20's soon, and everyone knows it.

    You know why Stacy Abrams was a no-show at President Biden's recent Voting Rights event in Georgia? That's her main political issue, and she was a no-show. It wasn't due to a scheduling conflict. She didn't want to be next to a President with an approval rating in the 30's, which will soon be in the 20's.

    I've saved up a nice stash of cash. I'm well-stocked on Ammo, Food and other supplies that I've sourced over the years so that I don't have to ever resort to the panic buying or price gouging. I'll be just fine. I pay my taxes. I have my reruns. It didn't have to be this way, but people who didn't prepare will live and learn... or they won't.

  11. Anonymous5:24 AM

    @9:38 -- So President Biden's crappy polls are evidence he is the cause of the empty bread shelves at the Giant. Got it.


    As my third-grade teacher used to say when offered a whopper excuse for where missing homework was, "It's important you believe that."

  12. Maloney Concrete7:21 AM

    Shelves empty, car lots empty, prices for goods and services skyrocket. Housing and energy costs up. All under Biden.

    Has anyone seen anything like this?

  13. Anonymous9:02 AM

    @5:24 AM: No. You don't "got it". President Biden's crappy polls are evidence that people aren't buying his excuses anymore, including for why the bread shelf at the Giant is empty. The crappy polls mean that they're now putting the blame for the empty shelves where it belongs: On him, for his failures to fix it and prevent it. Perhaps you still are buying into his excuses and ignoring his failures, so you'd be part of that 33% Approval number he has now. Do you plan on riding with him down into the 20's?

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    @7:21 AM: We saw it under Jimmy Carter, and it's happening again. That's why in less than a year you have Hillary dusting off her pantsuits as a 2024 candidate because there's nobody else on the Democrat bench. Joe is barely cogent and Kamala is Michael Scott from The Office: https://twitter.com/rncresearch/status/1481613864299073541

  15. Anonymous9:47 AM

    7:21 - And all in just one year. Noone has.

  16. @7:21AM Why yes, yes I have. His name was Ronnie. Memeba him, he couldn't "memba" anything except the fractured flicks he was in. That's when we had double digit inflation and the elephants burried their trunks.

    @9:38AM 11:32AM? Your timing is waay off, just like your opinions. Just sayin. Hey!

  17. 9:38 PM - "President Biden has failed the country on every level and that's why things are the way they are."

    Hmmm, I wonder how he got elected.

  18. Anonymous10:36 AM

    @9:02 You hide your light 'neath a bushel. With such wisdom you should step up to save the nation from this chaos we endure. Why are you not running for public office, where you can bring your insights to a greater audience?

  19. Anonymous10:38 AM

    @9:47 AM: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/08/14/obama-biden-relationship-393570

    One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warning, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f--- things up.”

  20. Anonymous10:47 AM

    @10:02 AM: So we're supposed to tolerate the current dementia-ridden fool because you said Republicans buried their trunks for their own nearly forty years ago? You're doing the same thing they did if that's the case. It's clear you've got nothing else to work with. You're part of the 33% approval rating President Biden has. Plan on riding that down some more while deliberately ignoring the obvious?

    How's my timing off? That statement makes no sense at all.

  21. Anonymous2:22 PM

    @10:12 AM: With a 33% Approval Rating and setbacks across multiple fronts, I'm sure many of President Biden's former supporters are asking themselves that very question right now and wondering how bad it will get for him. He's become a lame duck just a year in. Again, Hillary wouldn't be dusting herself off if this was going well.

    I'm amazed Ron Klain (Chief of Staff) still has a job today. His Retweet of an MSNBC host's Tweet about a "work-around" of Congress was cited in the Supreme Court's OSHA Vaccine Mandate Opinion: https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1481721816217526272


  22. Karen Trout2:49 PM

    I miss Obama

  23. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Hey, @9:38 pm, I'm pretty sure public approval poll numbers have exactly zero to do with actual culpability on an issue, (as opposed to public perception of culpability,) but if that is the measure of a president, have at it.

    Oh, by the way, Biden's first-year poll numbers may be in the toilet, but they're still higher than were his predecessor's, so I guess Trump must have been even more cataclysmically disastrous than we remember.


  24. Anonymous11:47 AM

    @6:59 PM: Need help moving those goal posts in your matrix? Enjoy riding that 33% approval rating down with him while you watch the live-action "Weekend at Bernie's".

  25. Anonymous3:49 PM


    But then again it's hard for liberals to accept how bad things are under a Democrat controlled WH, Senate & House because they have no idea how to govern and only seek to rule. Why else would they see to pack SCOTUS, break the filibuster and allow illegals to vote? All things they used to be against but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Making excuses for bad poor performance simply because it doesn't fit your liberal ideology is truly pathetic.
