Wednesday, January 12, 2022

New payment system at Woodmont Corner public parking garage in Bethesda

If you're headed to the Montgomery County operated Woodmont Corner public parking Garage 11 at 7730 Woodmont Avenue, there are two things that have changed. One, as I previously reported, you are going to pay more by order of the Montgomery County Council: $1.50 per hour. And second, there is a new payment system.

Now you'll have to remember your license plate number, and enter it into the kiosk. Then you will choose the length of time you want to pay for. It looks like the stress level is going up at this garage, which is bad news for businesses nearby. Instead of calmly paying up at whatever time you return from dining, shopping or other business, you'll have to estimate like an old 20th century parking meter and watch the time constantly. Montgomery County government increasingly is cornering the market on devolution.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    It's the same parking lot you've used for years, but now more expensive and inconvenient. You'll love it!

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    This will do wonders for the nighttime economy.

    Doing everything they can to keep Bethesda moribund.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I don't like the new system either. But they have to do away with the gates in order to accommodate the Marriott employees who are going to have exclusive access to the garage during the week.

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    If you legit are paranoid about running out of time then just use ParkMobile. Life isn't nearly as complicated as some of you pretend.

  5. You actually don't need to memorize your license plate number, though perhaps you should. You can use ParkMobile or another mobile app. and pay via your phone. You only need to put your plate number into the app once. This is much easier and provides much more flexibility. Personally, I don't think the new rates are all that high and I'm willing to pay them. Compare them to private garages. I don't think they will have a significant impact on local businesses. AND: I really don't get Robert's comment about devolution suggesting that's a bad thing. According to the Oxford dictionary, devolution means "the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration." I always thought this was considered a good thing by Republicans and Conservatives. For things like parking management, I certainly think it's a good thing. What would the alternative be, having the state manage local parking garages?
