Sunday, January 23, 2022

White Flint Mall property sealed off with fencing (Photos)

The Dark Side of White Flint, Part 48

Welcome to The Dark Side of White Flint, an ongoing series about the not-so-wonnerful, wonnerful, wonnerful side of urbanizing the suburbs of Montgomery County.

Lerner Enterprises, as anticipated, has sealed off the White Flint Mall property at 11301 Rockville Pike. Tall fencing has been erected around the site of the almost-entirely-demolished mall, and the interior roads are now closed to the public. The fencing plan has been controversial, as neighbors who use a pedestrian short-cut through the mall property opposed the loss of that walking route to the White Flint Plaza shopping center.

"It is the bright day that brings forth the adder, and that craves wary walking," Bill Shakespeare once wrote. Walk warily, then, to PetSmart. 

Welcome to the dark side.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I am curious why you think the public should be allowed to trespass across privately owned vacant property. I’m sure the owner is just protecting themself from any liability of allowing folks access to unsecured and un-monitored areas of the site. I’m surprised they didn’t fence the whole lot immediately after Lord & Taylor closed.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    How many residents have complained about the closure of that path?

    And why do all your posts about White Flint start with that weird allusion to Lawrence Welk? It's very dated.

  3. I hear Lawrence Welk is blowing up on TikTok.

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    This is such an embarrassment. I hope it's costing the Lerner Family as much money as possible.
