Monday, February 07, 2022

Car stolen in Chevy Chase

Montgomery County police are investigating the theft of a vehicle in Chevy Chase that was reported yesterday morning, February 6, 2022. The vehicle was parked along the street in the 3500 block of Cummings Lane. Property was stolen from a second vehicle on the same block. According to crime data, the incidents are believed to have taken place between 10:00 PM Saturday night, and 7:30 AM yesterday morning.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    This is fine. Stop worrying and don't blame us. You have insurance. Consider taking public transit instead. You can't have your car stolen or broken into if you don't have one.

    - MoCo County Council

  2. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Why does 9:19 keep posting the same thing over and over? I hope he's okay mentally.

  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Because, @7:37, when all he has is a hammer. . .

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Satire is always funny when there is some truth but like 7:37 PM, lost on liberals who will never get it.

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    @7:37 PM: "I'm fine with this occurring. Ackshually, the real problem is this person's comments. There's probably something mentally wrong with them. It's definitely not my denial of the real crime occurring in MoCo from my perch of personal privilege."

    Own it.

  6. Anonymous8:14 AM

    7:37 PM: 9:19 AM is in a better mental state than you are. Unlike you, they're not ignoring the problem of rampant auto theft which is occurring in MoCo. They're also not attempting to deflect blame from the One Party Rule in MoCo which seems unwilling to take the steps necessary to stop it.

    "If it saves just one car...."

    Don't dodge. That's your standard on other things. You just don't care because of your privilege here.

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    @6:06 AM: What are you prepared and willing to do in order to stop/prevent the rampant auto thefts in Moco? Let's hear it: Go....

    While we wait, some questions for you:

    Are you prepared to ask for more police funding to support additional MoCo Police officers, a dedicated auto theft task force and bait cars to deter and/or catch these individuals who engage in auto theft? If not, why?

    Are you prepared to support stronger prosecution and sentencing for those caught and convicted of auto theft? If not, why?

    Are you prepared to vote for public officials which take this issue more seriously and enact the above policies? If not, why?

    It may come as news to you, but you're acting very privileged and dismissive about the rampant auto theft which affects everyone regardless of their race, gender, and income in MoCo.
