Saturday, February 19, 2022

Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema sign lights up again on Woodmont Avenue (Photos)

The vertical sign with pointing arrow directing patrons to the Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema on Woodmont Avenue is now lit at night again. It was dark during the pandemic closure of the theater, and its eventual reopening. Alas, now the marquee has gone out, not displaying the current movie titles being shown at the theater. One upcoming and highly-anticipated title is displayed on a poster outside the theater, The Batman.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Last year, I saw a sign company with a bucket truck, apparently measure and make a template to replace the missing white neon MA part of the CINEMA sign. They currently have some jury rigged wiring to complete the circuit on the missing piece. Not sure why its not fixed yet. I have noted that the clock is still wrong.
