Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Maryland School Board votes to rescind statewide school mask mandate

The Maryland State Board of Education voted overwhelmingly today to rescind its statewide mandate that required masks to be worn inside of public schools. However, the masks won't be coming off immediately in Montgomery County Public Schools. First, the Maryland General Assembly committee that originally approved the Board mandate must approve the decision to rescind it. Then the Montgomery County Board of Education will have the power to decide its own mask policy.

Photon via State of Maryland


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I thought there was something fishy about Bistro Provence. I've never seen anyone go into or come out of that place.

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Gotta get the midterm 2022 vote
    Don’t worry comrades the commie school boards will impose stricter rigs come December 2022
    Honk honk

  3. I though Republicans love communists, or does their admiration only extend to Putin?
