Friday, March 18, 2022

People's Convoy truckers drive through downtown Bethesda (Video+Photos)

The People's Convoy trucker protest took a new route into Montgomery County today, down MD 355 and through downtown Bethesda. Truckers blasted their horns, while making slow progress through clogged traffic and frequent red lights along Wisconsin Avenue this afternoon. Some protesters were in regular vehicles, and also honked their horns. Particpants in the protest have stayed in Hagerstown since arriving on March 4, and have been venturing into D.C. after initially limiting their action to circling the Capital Beltway.


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I wonder how much money they've blown to accomplish literally nothing. I'm happy for MD hotels and state tax coffers, though.

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    @8:56 PM: There's that contempt for fellow citizens I was waiting for. Well done.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      The people blaring their horns and trying to cause traffic jams are obviously the ones with "contempt for fellow citizens," silly troll.

  3. Anonymous4:18 AM

    1:32 - ...said the swamp-dwelling statist. Go put on your mask - while driving your Tesla by yourself!

    1. 4:18 Why wait for contempt to fellow citizens, when everything you spew here is the very definition of contempt.

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    We know now the vaccines will not prevent us from getting covid and giving it to others which was the justification for mandates. Truckers from Canada are still required to be vaccinated to enter the U.S. American truckers are rightfully protesting on their behalf.

  5. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Idiots being idiots. A pointless protest with obnoxious and small minded participants.

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    To all of you "holier than thou" bolsheviks, how come your lips weren't moving when BLM and Antifa rioted in the streets of dozens of cities, causing billions of dollars of damages. How come your lips aren't moving to protest an election that was so clearly rigged that even a significant number of Bolshe's believe it was stolen?

    Au contraire, many of you still have yard placards up to indicate your unwavering support for the forces that seek to destroy the American way of life.

    Your contempt for true American patriots, peaceful and sans criminal records, is contemptible.

  7. Anonymous2:10 PM

    @1:32 PM: Are you referring to the BLM protests in Summer 2020? We're talking about the truckers here. Try to stay on topic. Thanks.

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    @12:17, an an excellent false equivalency! Top marks to you!

    On the one side, people in the streets protesting government agents [police] killings of citizens, on the other, citizens protesting government mandates designed to protect lives and keep people from dying. Fair and balanced.

    As for the election thing. This is the same election where more than q00 lawsuits have been filed protesting it as fraudulent, yes? The one where each and every lawsuit has been dismissed because of lack of evidence? Thought so. Show the evidence to support your claim or else crawl back into your troll hole and deal with the reality that more people voted for the other guy.

    Bye trollie. Have fun shouting at the moon.

  9. Anonymous8:10 AM

    This is 12:17

    You make me laugh. How Bolshevik of you. Scream down valid comparisons. You know it's a valid comparison. Yet the ideologue in you screams shut up to those you disagree with. "Stay on topic". That means don't talk about the radicals destroying America.

    You make me laugh, too. You and 1:32 are cut from the same cloth. Everyone you are supposedly in total solidarity with were career criminals whose last act was to resist arrest. Not one of them had clean hands. You used them as tools to eject Trump. You didn't care about them. What happened to them because of their poor choices will never happen to you, and you know it. Let's face it, you'd be upset if they lived next door to you, acting as they habitually did. You're a hypocrite.

    These lawsuits usually wound up with cherry picked judges under immense pressure from the Bolsheviks to do nothing. Yes, it was a vast conspiracy, complex beyond imagination and most cleverly orchestrated by the Bolsheviks at the top, those who control the hearts and minds of weak unthinking people thru their powers of organization and communication. It was an act of organizational genius, such as the Bolsheviks do best.

    It was a given that the election was rigged. You should read the many good books on the subject. If the entire situation were reversed, there'd be placards on every yard in Bethesda screaming to stop the steal. The powers that be (the Bolsheviks, which as you must know is my opinion by now) will suppress the truth at all cost and they might succeed. Add to that the fact that for America as a whole to admit an election was rigged would be traumatic on so many levels, so there is great resistance to finding out the truth. The truth would hurt too much, and would destroy America. JFK won due to cheating (read the 1961 Mad Magazine parody where he sings to Caroline, "My Daddy Bought Me Wisconsin"). It's hysterical. So it's happened before.

    My final point: You have no evidence that it didn't happen, because the evidence has never been properly examined. You do need to ask yourself why, if the election was fair, there was such great resistance to examining the evidence.

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Dear 8:10,

    You ever hear of Occam's Razor?

  11. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Dear 4:23

    Using a philosophical vacuum cleaner like Occam's razor to eliminate unlikely possibilities works works best with natural events, like geospatial or medical circumstances.

    For example, if you looked at the moon and saw it was bigger that night, because of atmospheric magnification, you wouldn't automatically assume the moon was coming closer to Earth and would eventually hit it. You'd be using Occam's razor to eliminate that possibility, even if you never actually heard of Occam's razor. Most people wouldn't even think that, unless watching too many sci-fi movies turned them into screaming paranoids.

    If you have a headache, you don't automatically assume a tumor or aneurysm, unless you're a hypo. You take two aspirin and go to bed. That's Occam's razor in action.

    It doesn't work so well for man-made political complexities, such as rigging an election. Did you really want me to think the simple thing, that the election went fine "because all elections go fine"?

  12. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Ah, the No True Scotsman/appeal to purity fallacy in response.

    That your side has been uniformly unable to provide any evidence that any judge in the land, including Trump-appointed jurists, found met the burden of proof necessary to proceed with a lawsuit on the matter is sufficient evidence this election went fine. It makes infinitely more sense than "a vast conspiracy, complex beyond imagination."

  13. Anonymous8:21 AM

    @7:07, How tautological of you. Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is usually right, applies unless the alternative explanation to the simple answer, "the election was clean & fair," is complex. In other words, Occam's works unless the simpler explanation disagrees with your --still undocumented, unsupported, unproven-- position.

    Oh, nice touch at the end, tossing in the strawman argument, (with quotation marks, no less!) about my wanting you to believe the election went fine "because all elections go fine" Nope. (A) That quotation is drawn from whole cloth; the phrase appears nowhere on this page before your writing it. (B) To the extent I give a fig about anything you choose to think, I "want you to think... the election went fine" because your side has, over the course of more than a year, failed to provide any evidence admissible in court, (including courts overseen by Trump-appointed jurists,) to support the claim. Despite the scores of lawsuits filed and dismissed, your side keeps saying the election was rigged, but never do you offer evidence to support your accusation. You see how it is difficult to sympathize with your claim if all you do is repeat it endlessly without ever providing evidence, proof to support your position. And yes, the burden of proof in the American legal system does fall on you, as accuser, to present evidence of the claim you make. That's the way it works.
