Monday, March 07, 2022

Strong-arm robbery in West Chevy Chase

Montgomery County police were called to the scene of a reported strong-arm robbery in West Chevy Chase early Friday afternoon, March 4, 2022. The victim reported being robbed in the street in the 4800 block of Derussey Parkway at 12:42 PM, according to crime data, a brazen crime in broad daylight. That is a residential street off of Wisconsin Avenue (MD 355).


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Not even that close to the Metro AND in the middle of the day. Elections have consequences indeed.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    How horrifying.

    If there's a change to MD's "may issue" conceal carry law (to "shall issue") in the coming months due to the pending case that was heard at the Supreme Court, it's more likely that these criminals could find themselves trying to rob someone who's concealed carrying, and I think the mere possibility of that will prevent these crimes from occurring.

    People sometimes say to me "you value your property more than their lives". No. They valued my property more than their lives. I just happened to agree with their valuation.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM


    They robbed a post office letter carrier and used a car for their getaway, not the Red Line. Facts have consequences, too.

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I routinely conceal carry in Montgomery County, MD because of things like this. No, you don't want to try this on me. Seriously.

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Good one 9:38.

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    These criminals clearly drove around looking for a target of opportunity, and found one.

    Fund for more police, or people who conceal carry will need to take measures to protect themselves. Choose one Libs.

  7. Anonymous4:16 PM

    @12:52 PM: Thank you.

  8. Anonymous6:24 AM

    It is of concern that the criminals aren't afraid to move down on a quiet side street full of homes in chevy chase. That means they are willing to go anywhere............

  9. Anonymous7:46 AM

    @6:24 AM: It's straight up brazen, and they're doing it because there aren't enough police that are visibly patrolling in these areas.

    It may be news to you leftists living in Bethesda-Chevy Chase, but criminals are coming over here to rob you because you have nicer stuff than they do. They're coming over here to steal your car because you have a nicer car than they do. You leftists aren't going over there to rob them or steal their car. It pains me to put it in such simple terms, but you people are so intentionally ignorant of this reality that I have to.

    The MoCo council just isn't willing to accept this as fact and do what they have to do in order to keep these targeted neighborhoods safe.

    There need to be many more MoCo police visibly patrolling to deter and respond to these violent crimes. There also need to be bait cars parked on side streets to catch the car thieves as well.

    Like 9:38AM/12:32 PM/1:16 PM all said, if more people in Bethesda-Chevy Chase are able to conceal carry, these criminals are in for a real surprise if they come across someone who's carrying that's properly prepared and trained to defend themselves. (Of course, if you're not willing to put in the requisite practice and training, don't even think of carrying. Really. Don't.)

  10. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Enough with the "leftist" provocative hyperbole; it serves no more purpose than for me to label you xenophobic fascists.

    On the topic of "arming up," a cautionary note to all you would-be gun slingers. An initial examination of published studies available online suggests there is no deterrent effect at all from Stand Your Ground laws. From what I can tell, in many jurisdictions the homicide rate actually *increased* after SYG laws were enacted. Please provide evidence to support your contention that SYG has proven statistically to be an effective deterrent to crime, unless it is really nothing more than your erotic fantasy to go Charles Bronson/Clint Eastwood/George Zimmerman on someone, to prove your worth. You don't have to be Freud to figure out the symbolism of your all-consuming gun fetish.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    9:08 AM: "Xenophobic"? You should know that when I conceal carry that I treat criminals of all races, nationalities and genders who endanger my life equally. "Fascist"? I don't work for the state and I'm exercising a constitutional right. Get out of here with that bunk.

  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    What's your deal 9:08 AM? You can't tell if someone is conceal carrying, and nobody I know who conceal carries is looking for justice or a fight. It certainly isn't a fetish. Carrying legally is a self-defense means of last resort when there's no other option and when no police assistance is on scene. The thing I'd like you to know is that my right to carry thankfully doesn't rely on your sense of moral virtue. I hope that triggers you as much as possible.

  13. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Question for 9:08 AM: Are BIPOC gun owners and carriers who live in Bethesda-Chevy Chase "Xenophobic Fascists" or does your label only apply to White people who live there that own and carry? I ask because I'm one of those BIPOC gun owners and carriers. Thanks for clearing this up when you have a moment!

  14. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The lad[ies] doth protest too much, methinks.

    Isn't it curious how many of the SYG pro-gunners responding to my post @9:08 have --incorrectly-- inferred "xenophobic" to mean "race." @12:25 asks about "BIPOC," @12:05 says he treats "criminals of all races" equally. To save you the burden of looking it up, Webster's dictionary defines Xenophobic as "One unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin." There is no mention of race in the definition. Good on you, though, for so effectively showing your true "colors," as it were.

    While no one here has addressed my original request, to offer statistical evidence that SYG laws serve to reduce violent crime, there is ample evidence in numerous studies of Stand Your Ground laws revealing the statute is decidedly lopsided in its application.

    "A [2013] Urban Institute study seems to buttress this claim. For example, the study found that when both the shooter and victim are white, 11% of these cases have been deemed justifiable. When both parties are Black, a lower percentage of Black defendants are able to successfully avail themselves of the defense, and the rate falls to 8%. The most telling finding from this study is what happened when the shooter and victim are of different races. When the shooter is white and the victim is Black, the rate of justifiable homicide is 34%. When the races are reversed, and the shooter is Black and the victim is white, the rate of justifiable homicide fell to only 3%."

    So, keep on keepin' on, fellas. I'm smart enough to appreciate no mere facts will dissuade any of you from the turgid dreams of using your .40 phalluses to squeeze off a few well-grouped rounds center mass when that dusky figure makes you "fear for your life."

  15. Anonymous4:26 AM

    6:43, You should reflect on how your argument depends on a convoluted attempt to characterize people with whom you disagree as racists and therefore yourself as morally superior. It is a common fallacy of "progressives".

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    @6:43 PM: I find it hilarious how you called people "Xenophobic Fascists" and then you said "Xenophobic" doesn't mean race, after completely glossing over the fact that 12:05 PM specifically said that they "treat criminals of all races, nationalities and genders who endanger my life equally." Then you proceeded to be incredibly racist by assuming the data you Googled was evidence of the application of racism and then you made a pejorative reference to "dusky figures" from what you probably thought was a position of higher moral virtue which absolved you of saying something racist.

    I actually prefer 9mm over .40 S&W. Less recoil for faster follow-up shots and grouping. 9mm is also more widely available.

    Who radicalized you? You probably weren't always like this. I'm sure you used to be happier at some point when you didn't see everything through a racial or phallic lens. I hope you get the help you need to get though this, but you should probably make some life changes.

  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    6:43 PM: I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

  18. Anonymous8:21 AM

    This is all part of the Bolshevik plan to disrupt and destroy society. Any collateral damage is acceptable. In fact, the victim may be one of those Bolsheviks. Good chance, in that neighborhood. Perhaps said victim is no longer a Boshevik. I wouldn't venture to guess. A dyed in the wool Bolshevik isn't going to shed their brainwashed beliefs over a black eye. Heck, they may even think they deserved it.

    By design, the police are nowhere to be seen. The days of Adam-12 are over. No more two in a car, as a sort of check against laziness and abuse of power. Nope, these days, it's a single person per car. Again, all part of the plan.

    And what is the goal of the Bolsheviks? Simply put, it's the destruction of society, based on a long standing innate hatred of normal citizens, and the monetary enrichment of said Bolsheviks, whose eyes are always on the grand prizes of absolute power and wealth. Long treasured symbols of American society, such as free speech and 2nd amendment rights, are targets to be destroyed. The educational system has already been greviously modified, and now teaches people what to think, not how to think.

  19. Anonymous10:19 AM

    How they do twist and squirm. Re-read what I wrote, kids. "Enough with the "leftist" provocative hyperbole; it serves no more purpose than for me to label you xenophobic fascists." If that's too ambiguous for you, I'll rephrase: How about this: "Your calling people leftists is as inflammatory and inaccurate a label as my calling you xenophobic fascists. These are not accurate labels for our political opponents." Is that clearer?

    You don't like it when ad hominems are hurled your way. Neither do your political opponents. As it happens, several of the commenters who took issue with the Xeno... appellation managed in their replies to out themselves as bigots/racists, inferring the X-word meant racist. I'll say again, it doesn't; it means foreign, especially people of foreign origin.

    @6:50 -- *I* didn't make racist assumptions. It was people commenting on my post who brought up *BIPOC* and "criminals *of all races*" I pasted a block quote showing that a successful SYG defense depends greatly on what color you are. That's not my being racist, that's my quoting facts that say SYG claims are upheld significantly more frequently when it's a White shooter and a Black victim than the other way around.

    By the way, I appreciate your concern trolling for my happiness and welfare. Here too, you are wrong. Unlike the violence-preoccupied commenters on Robert's blog, seeing lethal threats at every turn and fairly begging for the courts to sanction open carry laws, I'm a well-adjusted guy who finds it amusing to watch you and your fellow travelers froth and splutter and fume with indignant rage when you are called out. You, [collective or singular, I'm not sure which] not I, brought up the race card in all this. You are the one[s] who keep offering guns and "arming up" as the solution to the crime problems posted on this blog. I think the term is projection. As in, your accusing me of character flaws that you, not I, have exhibited is an illustration of psychological projection.

  20. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "Who radicalized you?" Not *who,* but *what*: I'd point the finger squarely at my strict adherence to facts and science, and to calling out the myriad logical fallacies that others so frequently embrace. You?

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    @10:19 AM/1:54 PM: Kids? There's that inflated sense of virtue again. I'm not interested in your lectures or lessons about "decency" and "inflammatory" words. I hope my constitutional rights and practices trigger you as much as possible, and I'll keep accurately labeling you a leftist identitarian with a streak of authoritarianism.

    I didn't actually mention wanting or pushing for "open carry" anywhere, nor has anyone else, but you don't appreciate the difference vs concealed carry anyway so why bother clarifying that for you.

    It's clear to me that you need to reflect on and address your own racism here. I honestly find it quite offensive and it's not concern trolling. As I said earlier, you probably weren't always this way. Something radicalized you and now this is who you are. You see everything through a racial or phallic lens, combined with an inflated sense of virtue mixed with pejorative contempt. I'm so sorry that happened.

  22. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes a gun is just a gun, i.e. a means of self-defense. Thank God for the Second Amendment.

  23. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Protip for you @9:23: when you string together rightwing boilerplate verbiage, make sure the end product actually means something before you hit "Publish." Leftist identitarian is a contradiction in terms, according to the definition of that latter , which says, "The Identitarian movement or Identitarianism is a pan-European nationalist, far-right political ideology asserting the right of European ethnic groups and white peoples to Western culture and territories claimed to belong exclusively to them." I'm pretty sure you can't simultaneously be a leftist and far-right.

    On the plus side for you, good call about my error on the open-carry laws: I stand corrected. I should have written you are fairly begging for "shall issue" concealed carry status, so everyone can go around Bethesda armed. I have every confidence this plan will turn out well, because among the area's denizens there are no hot tempers or displays of poor judgement, no one who would reach for their gun to help resolve a parking dispute.

    It amuses me you struggle to accept the thoroughly documented psychological symbolism of guns as surrogate phalluses. Your denial and/or denunciation of the idea does not make it any less widely accepted among mental health professionals. "You see everything through a racial or phallic lens." I mentioned those in my initial post, and you keep bringing it up in your replies. That offers me the choice of either ignoring your --incorrect-- accusations about me or addressing them. I choose the latter; I choose to defend myself. This should be a concept familiar to those advocating broader *concealed* carry gun laws, certainly.

    Thank you for your stern-daddy lecture on what I need to do. "It's clear to me that you need to reflect on and address..." It means ever so much to me, coming from someone who four sentences later protests my having " inflated sense of virtue mixed with pejorative contempt." Talk about contempt and inflated sense of virtue.

  24. Anonymous10:56 AM

    8:26AM Demonstrates that education doesn't make one intelligent. Reductio ad absurdum isn't be a valid argument for those who wish to defend themselves. Meanwhile the people you voted for are handing out no-cash-bail to career criminals like speeding tickets at the Indy 500. Ignorance and apathy aren't virtues despite the adherence to them.

  25. Anonymous10:39 PM

    @8:26 AM: Maybe you're better with pictures/videos. So here you go:

    Since you've demonstrated that you're not able to follow this concept, that's you wearing the "Woke" shirt. The "Racist" shirt is a mirror image of your own projections and it closely meets you on the horseshoe. However, from your demonstrated views, the "Racist" shirt is what you believe you see in anyone who doesn't align with your hegemonic views. So you want to reflexively label them a "xenophobic fascist". That's what makes you a leftist identitarian.

    Leftist identitarianism is about exercising hegemonic power in order to define: What what moralities are true and fair; What opinions constitute uncomfortable truths which must never be silenced vs what are irredeemable prejudices which must be "deplatformed"; What constitutes unjust privilege and what's a qualification for claiming superior insight; What constitutes righteous indignation at being told what you can/can't do because of an immutable characteristic (skin color, etc.) vs what is simply rage of a dominant identity when its position is challenged.

    So here's what this means for a Leftist Identitarian like yourself:

    For all your bluster of combatting xenophobia and privilege, you've actually put yourself on a pedestal to privilege your own convictions. You've elevated yourself through privilege to decide who is xenophobic and who isn't. Who is overprivileged and who isn't. You've decided that you're the arbiter on that. What's more you've also decided to apply purely demographic criteria as an ad hominem attack. Judging other people by immutable characteristics is a unique privilege you feel you have achieved. None of this is fooling me or anyone else here, because it's clear where you're coming from.

    Reach for a gun for a parking dispute? Are you serious? This reads like fan fiction.

    You've really got a "racial and phallic" filter on how you see everything, and it's an important part of your leftist identitarianism. At some point in your life, you didn't have one. Maybe you'll get back there one day.

  26. Anonymous11:08 AM

    @10:39 Good one.

    Thanks for the laughs, sport. Your latest sets a new standard. In what, I'll not say.

    Best of luck to you and your . . . unique outlook on things. To quote the movie, "I have to go now. I'm due back on the planet Earth."

  27. Anonymous7:24 AM

    @11:08 AM - To quote another movie: "Don't go away mad, just go away"

  28. Anonymous10:06 AM

    @11:08 AM: Be sure to take your gaslight along with your racial and phallic lens filter on your way out. Thanks.

  29. Anonymous10:16 AM

    11:08 AM: Wow, what a sudden retreat back to your safe space. 10:39 PM made excellent points which labeled you quite accurately and you had nothing to respond with. Only a lame attempt at deflection. Probably the first time in your life that you were rendered speechless because someone appropriately called you out on your own elevated privilege as a Leftist Identitarian. It won't be the last from what I can tell.

  30. Anonymous10:19 AM

    @7:24 AM: Heartbreak Ridge. Good film, but I'm still here and I'm concealed carrying legally. I hope that triggers you as well.

  31. Anonymous9:31 AM

    @10:16 et al. It's important you believe that.

  32. Anonymous1:52 PM

    @9:31 AM: Don't forget your gaslight either.
