Sunday, June 26, 2022

Bethesda Central Farm Market relocates through July 17, 2022

Starting today, the Bethesda Central Farm Market is temporarily relocating to the Montgomery Farm Women's Cooperative Market at 7155 Wisconsin Avenue. The reason is construction on Bethesda Elementary School that is being performed over the summer break. Bethesda Central has secured use of the public parking lot located behind the Farm Women's Market, and there will be free parking during the market, which runs from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Sundays. Note that there will be no compost drop-off at the market while it is at this temporary location.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Too bad this is only temporary. The Farm Women’s Market has so much more character, shade and adjacent parking than the elementary school parking lot.

    With the new south entrance to the Metro, new Purple Line station, future BRT station, and the enhanced CCT with a 425 space bike parking deck coming soon, this location would make much more sense.

    Of course the proposed Bethesda Market project would underground two parking lots, add two county parks, add mixed-use housing and retail, and restore and double the sized of the Farm Women’s Market, adding new shade trees, seating and dedicated locations for farm or art-fair booths. Seems like it would be at the epicenter of transit and development activity, instead of being in a school parking lot on the west edge of downtown Bethesda.
