Sunday, June 19, 2022

Bethesda Metro station escalator-to-stairs transition update (Photos)

The devolution back to the stone age continues at the Bethesda Metro station. WMATA chose to remove the oft-broken plaza-to-bus-bays escalator earlier this year, rather than build a canopy to protect the escalator from weather. It will be replaced with another staircase. The installation and opening of the new stairs is supposed to be completed by this summer, according to the transit agency.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Once again, this plaza is slated for a massive renovation, with a 30 story high mixed-use, multifamily tower replacing the former food court. The project is proposed to include two new escalators and a glass canopy near this location. No reason to build an expensive temporary canopy over the escalator that will be torn out in a few years, just to meet current building code.

    Brookfield has been granted a three year extension on the completion of their entitlement process.
