Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Maryland governor candidate Kelly Schulz launches Law Enforcement for Kelly coalition

Republican Maryland governor candidate Kelly Schulz launched a Law Enforcement for Kelly campaign coalition yesterday. "No other candidate in the race has received such strong and explicit backing from law enforcement leaders like Kelly Schulz has," a statement issued by the campaign said. "With the backing of seven current sheriffs, law enforcement across the state know that Kelly Schulz is the only candidate who will take action to address violent crime and who will undoubtedly stand up for and support them."

Schulz's plan to address rising violent crime includes increased funding for hiring and training of additional police officers, and for their equipment. She would seek legislation to keep violent criminals behind bars, and create new penalties for those convicted of illegal gun crimes. 

The coalition will be steered by a committee made up of seven sheriffs from across Maryland:  Sheriffs Craig Robertson of Allegany County, Jim Fredericks of Anne Arundel County, Mike Evans of Calvert County, Jim DeWees of Carroll County, Jeffrey Gahler of Harford County, Gary Hoffman of Queen Anne’s County, and Tim Cameron of St. Mary’s County. "Kelly Schulz is just the lady who can get the job done," Gahler declared in a video released by the campaign. Additional law enforcement professionals are invited to join the coalition via an online form.

“For me it is simple: as governor I will treat members of law enforcement like heroes and criminals like criminals,” Schulz said in a statement. “I always have and always will stand firmly with the brave men and women in law enforcement who put their lives on the line to protect us. It is humbling to have earned the trust and support of so many of these heroes from across the state – they deserve a governor who has their back, and that’s what they’ll have when I’m elected.”


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Go Kelly ! Bring back law and order

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    @4:12 She has a snowball's chance in hell.

  3. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Unfortunately 8:01 AM is probably correct because Democrats are like blind sheep now with full-blown TDS and outnumber Republicans 2-1.

    Look at the Sussman trial. Would liberals sit still if a Trump lawyer had a jury with three Trump donors, one far-right donor AND a juror whose kid plays on the same sports team as the defendant? Not to mention a full-on partisan judge. No, the city would be on fire because the left is a violent mob, (remember the "summer of love").

    That said, see you in November...

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    @12:03 You hypocrite. There's nothing to compare to a MAGA led insurrection, not even a "summer of love". Get over yourself.

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    8:07 AM is an excellent example of chronic TDS. January 6th is a clown show as someone who knows that the Capital is secured with magnetic doors that were opened from the inside. Put down the Crack pipe, (which taxpayers probably paid for), and get some help. You and your fellow travelers on the far left prove everyday why there will never be solutions to problems that would be solved with hard work & integrity.

  6. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Regarding 8:07...

    The rants of a true born Bolshevik. DC born and bred. Brainwashed by the Bolshevik media, or maybe in combination with other factors best left unsaid.

    What a strange part of the country this is! Living here is very hard for a normal person like me.

    Regarding 12:03 and 12:32
    Amen, bros. Perfectly stated.
