Thursday, June 23, 2022

Springhouse of Westwood nursing home demolition begins in Bethesda (Photos)

Heavy equipment is making short work of the long-vacant Springhouse of Westwood by Manor Care nursing home at 5101 Ridgefield Road, in the Westbard area of Bethesda. Even most longtime residents are getting their first look inside the building, as the brick walls are smashed away. The nursing home will be replaced by over 50 townhomes to be developed by EYA over the next several years. Springhouse was one of several structures in the Westwood development designed by prominent Montgomery County architect John A. d’Epagnier, including the Westwood Shopping Center and Westwood Tower apartments.


  1. So the hypocrites at MoCO .gov will let them just throw all this stuff in the landfill as opposed to re using the materials? Got it.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Looks better already.

  3. Here is some video of the nursing home demolition:

  4. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I worked there in the 80s. It was a wonderful place full of fascinating retirees!
