Monday, July 18, 2022

Bethesda Dunkin' Donuts burglarized (Photos)

The Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin Robbins at 4905 Cordell Avenue in downtown Bethesda was burglarized early Friday morning. Montgomery County police responded to a report of a break-in at the restaurant at 4:55 AM. Officers found evidence of forced entry in the broken lower glass panel on the front door, as seen below in a reader-submitted photo. A source reports that cash was stolen.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    When you have a soft on crime/defund demoralize the police, this is going to continue to happen. It's just unreal.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Let’s point out that “demoralize” police means to allow them to abuse people without consequences.

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Again!??!!! No business was EVER burglarized in the HISTORY OF EVERYTHING, before BLM and AOC got loose on the scene.

    MCPD didn't have waves of smash and grab burglaries or car thefts plaguing the area in the 1980s and 90s. I know this for a fact, because I listened to scanners every night of the week back then, chasing cops and fire calls. All the activity of the Bethesda Special Assignment [plain clothes] Team, when they were surveilling area businesses that had been broken into repeatedly, when they set up in neighborhoods that kept having robberies --all of that was FAKE POLICE ACTIVITY. Yep, Bethesda was an arcadian Shangri-La before BLM used their evil cosmic magic to turn Montgomery County into a satellite office of Hell.

    Which are you 8:36: naïve or obdurate?

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    @9:23 Well said.

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    11:36 - No, that's not well said say all because the comment posted at 9:23 is completely and utterly false. The comment posted at 11:35 doesn't make much sense and is little more than a rambling rant. Soft on crime, defund and demoralize the police leads to more crime. Period.

  5. Anonymous2:23 PM

    9:23 & 11:36 are the reasons why we're living in a crime wave.

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Simple Question. How did the thieves know where the cash was and why wasn’t the cash locked up and secured ? Raises suspicions of it being an inside job…………

  7. Anonymous3:20 AM

    1.5 blocks from the cop shop & downstairs from a very popular bar, wtf? Nothing is safe from these goddam criminals and addicts...

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    That's some mighty fine detective work, 3:42. No garden variety burglar would think to hit a place that needs cash on hand for their rush of early morning customers.

    Poor 2:03 has a mad because he doesn't understand sarcasm when he reads it. Hulk smash! I hope he's one of the posters who has, elsewhere on this blog, announced will be patrolling the area with his SCOTUS approved sidearm. I feel much safer with daddy protectors who thrill at the prospect of violence. Some very stable geniuses out there.

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I can't believe we defunded police by increasing their budget yet again. No wonder they can't stop crime, they're too busy counting their 300 million dollars.

  10. Anonymous8:06 AM

    @11:35 "Again!??!!! No business was EVER burglarized in the HISTORY OF EVERYTHING, before BLM and AOC got loose on the scene." You forgot to take you meds again, or fell asleep in the field leading to OZ, because YOU are making statements with not facts, only racist implications. Get off your RWNJ pile of horse manure and breath fresh air. THIS TOWN DOESN'T LIVE IN A VACUUM.

  11. Anonymous8:39 AM

    2:03, my friend, I believe that 11:35's "comment" is a rather extreme example of sarcasm. He/she, most likely he, is trying to mock folks like you and me who believe what you stated in your last sentence. That "defund, etc." results in more crime. 11:35 apparently has trouble coming up with an actual argument and therefore substitutes mockery instead.

  12. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Dear MAGAs and fantasists,

    Bethesda and environs have *always* had crime, be it car thefts, commercial burglaries, strongarm robberies, or the like. What has changed most significantly over the years and decades is that now, through the auspices of dedicated reporting by Robert and others, by Twitter and neighborhood Patch channels, etc, we are aware of many more such incidents.

    MCPD has not officially released stats for either 2021 or 2022, but you can inspect information on earlier years (1975 - 2020) here:

    and here:

    On January 19, 2022, WTOP offered these 2021 MoCo stats that include

    *32 homicides, (+88%) *67 carjackings, (+72%) *[no number given] commercial burglaries (-22%) *[no number] residential burglaries (-10%) *[no number] vehicle theft (+21%)
    *Firearm-related crime increased by 17% in 2020 and another 27% in 2021.

    2005 - 2009 had the greatest number of robberies; the mid-90s saw the highest number of ag assaults; murder ping-pongs from highs to lows to highs over the years.

    The point of all this is that crime has *always* been present, frequently at higher numbers than we see today. Per capita, the most active period of property crime in the county was the late 70s, early 80s; the most violent period, the early and mid-90s. Yes, crime has risen in the last 12-24 months, both here *and nationally.* But that rise is coming off overall numbers far lower than the community has known in a number of decades. Believe that or don't, but the numbers don't lie.

    I close with these stats, link at the end:

    approved FY19 Operating Budget for the Department of Police is $280,038,331, an increase of $4,398,961 or 1.60 percent from FY18

    approved FY20 Operating Budget for the Department of Police is $295,327,329, an increase of $15,288,998 or 5.46 percent from FY19

    approved FY21 Operating Budget for the Department of Police is $281,446,640, a decrease of $13,880,689 or 4.70 percent from FY20

    approved FY22 Operating Budget for the Department of Police is $282,951,484, an increase of $1,504,844 or 0.53 percent from FY21

    "The Montgomery County Police Department received more than $296 million, an increase of about 4.5% over its current spending.",for%20fiscal%202023%20to%202028.

    So please knock it off with the "defund the police" comments, since it is a lie.

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    11:07 "Defund" is a nationwide phenomenon advocated by the Left who are pushing the lie that blacks are killed by police more often than whites. It is a matter of common sense that going easy on criminal behavior by doing any number of things such as cut police budgets, fail to charge felonies, prosecute folks for engaging in legitimate self defense and protest/riot after every police/black shooting will encourage not discourage criminal behavior. My comment was certainly not specific to MoCo and, frankly, I don't give a dam because I am moving to another state. To follow your logic one might conclude that abolishing the police entirely would eradicate all criminal behavior. You and I both know that would not be the case.

  14. Anonymous3:53 PM

    You realize it's not just the dollars but how the executive & judicial branches treat police with unwarranted scrutiny at the same time releasing repeat offenders. To say that crime isn't up in Bethesda and blaming it on better reporting shows incredible ignorance but I'm sure if a republican where in charge, 11:07 would be the first one to highlight it.

  15. Anonymous10:51 PM

    @12:45 Here's your hat, what's your hurry?

    Excellent red herring, fabricating an argument I never made, that constraining --or in your words, "abolishing"-- the police would improve crime stats. Don't get me wrong: I expect this kind of non-sequitur from folks like you, who never let facts intrude on a good polemic.

    Ooopsie, 3:53 made a boo-boo. Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed. The website's text can seem confusingly small as we age. I'll walk you through it step-by-step, okay? See where I wrote, "Yes, crime has risen in the last 12-24 months, both here *and nationally*"? That means I'm recognizing and acknowledging that more crime is happening in Bethesda and in Montgomery County, too. That pretty effectively trashes your thesis, that I argued crime was *not* up in Bethesda.

    To remind you what I *did* claim at 11:07, (not the words or argument you erroneously chose to attribute to me,) I wrote that, because of reporting that these days comes from a broader array of [more easily accessible] sources, "we are aware of many more such incidents." (emphasis added.) That doesn't mean better reporting is causing more crime. It means we are finding out about a greater percentage of the crimes that have always been happening in the area. Instead of the WaPo Metro section, Pat Collins, The MoCo Journal, or The Gazette, we can tune into Robert's Bethesda Row, Alan Henney, The MoCo Show, FB groups, any number of neighborhood patches, innumerable Twitter feeds, etc, etc. There are infinitely more [reporting] eyes scanning the area, posting what they hear or see for all of us to read. None of that has any bearing on how many crimes are taking place, but they do, collectively, tell us about *more* of the criminal activity in the area. Does that make sense to you now?

    Had you clicked either of the first two links in my 11:07 post, you would have been taken to Montgomery County annual crime statistics for the years 1975 - 2020. Those figures show that, contrary to your beliefs (wishes?) crime is not as bad these days as it was years ago. That's what the numbers show. Yes, crime is rising since 2020, but even so, it is lower than it was in the 80s and 90s, according to actual police data.

  16. Anonymous6:46 AM

    @12:45, please clarify. Your comment, "blacks are killed by police more often than whites," is ambiguous. Do you mean (A) Blacks are killed by police more often that Whites are killed by police, or do you mean (B) Blacks are killed by police more often than they are killed by Whites? Your syntax is muddled. The Defund movement is not so much protesting that too many Blacks/not enough Whites are being killed by police. Rather, it is protesting that in so many cases where Blacks die at the hand of law enforcement, the police use of deadly force was unwarranted.

    Also, a question about the bit where you said, "It is a matter of common sense that going easy on criminal behavior by doing any number of things such as cut police budgets, fail to charge felonies, prosecute folks for engaging in legitimate self defense and protest/riot after every police/black shooting will encourage not discourage criminal behavior." So, spare the rod, spoil the child, yes? A Dickensian approach to law enforcement.

    When did you say you are moving?

  17. Anonymous10:23 AM

    You all believe what you like and I'll do the same. Have a nice day.

  18. Anonymous11:03 AM

    11:07 - Did you even read your first paragraph? Maybe you attended a government school that didn't require proficiency in any of the basics but stating that Bethesda always had crime leading into an explanation that we are "more aware" of because of better reporting implies that crime isn't higher now. Spoken like a true liberal living in a different world.

    While the most dramatic increases in crime are in the cities controlled by democrats, your solution is to punish law enforcement by making policing much harder. Stores have closed across the countryand even Starbucks has closed locations due to policies you support. At some point, one would think you might get it but you guys are driven by power which has blinded common sense.

  19. Anonymous4:12 PM

    11:03, You dare speak of reading comprehension? Physician, heal thyself. You can't possibly be as granitic as you portray yourself, surely. I fear, however... Okay, EXTRA slow, just for you:

    1. There has always been crime in Bethesda. How much crime varies over the course of time. ("Varies" means it changes.)

    2. People can measure how much crime there is by comparing the same sorts of crime during different time periods, then standardizing the figures per capita. ("Comparing" means looking at things to see how they are the same or how they are different.) When people do this, we say they are looking at "crime rates."

    3. When there is more crime, the rate goes up. When there is less crime, the rate goes down.

    4. The amount of crime is independent of how thoroughly, exhaustively it is reported. ("Independent" means not relying on something else.) Crime happens whether or not anyone is there to witness or report on it.

    5. For example, when there are fewer people to witness your imbecilic behavior, there is less chance of your behavior being reported. When there are more witnesses, there is a greater chance of its being reported. ("Fewer" means less, but you use it when you have a theoretically countable number.)

    6. Similarly, when there are fewer media sources to report the news, less news can be reported. When there are more outlets to report the news, more news can be reported. The crime rate rises and falls all by itself, but when there are more people and more media outlets to report it, you increase the chances of reading many more stories about more and different crimes.

    7. When only a few media report on only a few crimes, you will not know about all those other crimes that took place. Just like if you read only a few books you won't know about all the other things that happened in the world. However, if *lots* of media outlets report on *lots* of the crimes that took place, you will know about many more crimes. (Remember, the crime happened *independently* of its being reported.) Similarly, if you read *lots* of books, you would learn about *lots* of things that happened in the world. That doesn't mean those book authors were responsible for making all those world events happen, it just means you read much more and you learned of all those additional events you had not known about before.

    But then, that would require you read, so I'm not holding my breath.

  20. Anonymous5:45 PM

    11:03 "A government school." Sounds ominous, threatening. Very "black helicopters" and Deep State-y.

    Did you mean "public school?" Yes, I am the product of Montgomery County's public school system. I infer from your disdain you are not. Let me guess: yours was a home schooling. Hours spent before the buffalo-chip fire of your family's single room sod home, dug from the prairie itself. It was a simple life, true, but it was honest. Honest in a way that no-one with fancy "government school" book-learning will ever know or appreciate. Honest in a way that fails basic, elementary reading comprehension but remains defiantly, bumptiously proud that fact.

    Good grief.

  21. Anonymous2:57 AM

    4:12/5:45 Makes an inaccurate statement implying that crime isn't higher now but instead of making a correction, compounds their confusion by doubling down and attacking the messenger.

    Your paragraphs read like a rant that Brandon could have written, (assuming that he still could write - which is questionable these days), with so much misplaced anger. I actually feel sorry for someone who with that much emotion is going to need serious therapy come November.

    I realize facts are ugly things but remain calm and you'll get through it. Perhaps a republican congress will give you strength to carry the fight and make your own crime statistics.

  22. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Dear 2:57,

    You must be the specimen who also penned 11:03, for surely there can't be two so profoundly damaged creatures running loose. It's 4:12/5:45 here. While I appreciate your deep, sincere concern for my well being, I assure you all is well with my health, both physical and mental. I'm not so confident the same can be said of you, as evidenced by your hallucination that I have, at any point, suggested crime is not higher now.

    The 5:45 post does not address crime or crime rates at all, so for you to take any such suggestion based on that post is reason enough to suspect a significant intellectual disfunction on your part.

    The 4:12 post makes zero suggestion that crime has either increased or decreased. It explains in painful detail for those who never mainstreamed that crimes goes up and down. Perhaps your brain was still processing my earlier post, at 11:07, where I cited --and linked to-- official police crime statistics, (which have not been released for 2021 as far as I know,) that show crime *has* fallen from where it was in the 1970s, '80s, and '90s. In that post I also link to some 2021 figures offered by WTOP that say crime *rose* that year compared to the previous year, which is why in that post I wrote, "Yes, crime has risen in the last 12-24 months, both here *and nationally.*"

    All better now? Would you like a juicebox?

    Among the myriad differences between us, 2:57, is that I document my work; I cite and link to actual figures. I also take the time to actually read what is written on the page. You, in contrast, seem disinclined to constrain yourself to either facts or to so much as a basic literacy.

    By the by: your concluding paragraph mentions facts. As best the written record of the comments on this blog post indicate, mine are the only reader-supplied comments that site actual facts supported with linked-to official figures. Before you try, Webster's defines "fact" as "something that has actual existence; an actual occurrence; a piece of information presented as having objective reality; the quality of being actual"

    You, on the other hand, have offered zero facts anywhere on this page, other than the incontrovertible truth that you should never be allowed near sharp objects or to operate heavy machinery.

  23. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Thanks for the invitation, @2:57, but I'll stick to using actual, verified-with-links-to-source-material statistics, as I have done throughout this thread. I leave fabricating fake results to you and your fellow wingnuts.

    By the way, congrats on your Olympic quality, super-awesome self own! Well played, admitting in writing that Republicans encourage/foster an environment for just making up stuff.

  24. Anonymous10:26 AM

    6:36/8:59 Seems to be such an angry little person. While undisputed facts point out what happens when democrats run cities, you're predisposed to believe otherwise because your MSM has told you so. Is the right wing releasing repeat offenders with little or no bail? The following are all liberal MSM links.

    When you have the NYT checking your reality clock, time to up the prescriptions:

    But crime isn't rising!

    Now this one is funny with someone who has zero self awareness:

    And a local news outlets:

    The sad part about all these liberal news outlets is that they view crime, much like most liberals today, by how it affects their political futures instead of the victims. That's the real crime but you keep on believing that you're in OZ.

  25. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "Mommy, why does that man have goalposts strapped to his car?"
    "The better to move them easily, Jimmy."

    Dear 10:26,

    Thank you for your blizzard of links, not a single one of which has the least bit to do with the subject of this thread: crime in Bethesda and MoCo. You have demonstrated so vividly your profound inability to respond to what is actually being discussed that one can only assume your deficit is organic, genetic. To be charitable, this is no more your fault than it is a Labrador's for being unable to play Beethoven. You, like the canine, have boundless enthusiasm to engage, which is laudable. But in practical terms, attempting any discussion, conversation, debate with a specimen so hobbled by "special needs" or Attention Deficit Disorder (you know, they do have meds for that,) is as tiresome as listening to a kennel "perform" the Allegretto. The novelty quickly wears off, leaving one faced with a chaotic cacophony.

    Best of luck to you on your journey. I hope you find the peace you deserve. Do say hi to your friends at the chuckle factory.

    Check, please.

  26. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Nice try because everyone knows, (apparently except you and the 28% that think Brandon is handling the economy well), that crime is higher now. I realize that putting lipstick on a pig is what democrats do best when they're in charge but saying BCC has lower crime now just means that you live in an alternative reality.

    Unfortunately there is no convincing a mind so driven to support their liberal masters that facts don't matter. Your liberal DA's/AG's have done so much damage to local communities not to mention the morale of the police departments that can't do their job because people like you value criminals more than law abiding citizens.

  27. All you gotta do is ask a MoCo police officer if morale is UP or is it DOWN.
    Then look at all the unfilled spots. People, morale is down due to Democrats. Period.
    However, I think $282 mil is an awful lot of $$ for not really a good police force.
    Then add the traffic cameras in and you see we are being fleeced.
