Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Little Falls Parkway signboards removed after being hijacked by hackers

After providing a few weeks of comic relief, the digital message boards on Little Falls Parkway in Bethesda have been removed. One or more hackers commandeered the signboards, posting new messages that ranged from innocuous to cryptic in meaning, and the sign operator and Montgomery Parks appeared oblivious to the digital antics. When the messages turned political over the weekend with a "LETS GO BRANDON" declaration, the plug was finally pulled by Montgomery County. Contractor National Capital Industries retrieved the message boards Monday.


  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Now let's open all the lanes everyday.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Now let's keep going and remove those expensive, white bollard things and open the damn lane back up.

  3. No reason to open that lane. Traffic has been light and back-ups few. Thru traffic is constrained by single lanes on both sides of the closure anyway, so opening up the closed lane will not do much to speed up traffic. Properly implemented the closure can improve park & recreational activities and opportunities.

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Sorry inquisitor, that road is a road and was designed for two lanes of traffic on both sides. It's never, ever been an issue ever. But because of a death, while tragic obviously, the county closed a lane without warning nor community input. They've further messed it up by adding those white pole markers. A bike lane is more than reasonable there and there is plenty of room for one. But no, a road designed for vehicular traffic, will be permanently altered by the exalted county council like it or not and the majority don't.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Blocking one lane makes no sense for a relatively short stretch of the parkway. Makes no sense given there are several intersections that require turning.
    Who thought this up? Walking tour is needed.

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Omg the let’s go Brandon is what got the democrat nut jobs to change their wittle signs.,,
    Democrats are destroying the usa supporting Biden

  6. SO with one death we close a lane. Same on Old Georgetown Road. Idiots. There now has been a second death on Old Georgetown - maybe we should shut it down altogether?
    These roads were paid by gas taxes and bikers can go pay for their own trails - they would be safer there.
