Friday, July 22, 2022

Tom Perez on media calling Maryland governor race for Wes Moore: "Not so fast"

A number of news outlets declared Wes Moore the victor in the Democratic Maryland governor race today, and the campaign of Tom Perez is pushing back. "Put simply, it’s too early to call this race," Perez campaign manager Sean Downey said in a statement. "Yesterday was the first day of counting for the 212,962 recorded and received vote-by-mail ballots and it was a huge day for Tom Perez. He flipped multiple counties from election day and made major vote gains statewide, all while as many as 80,000 votes remain in Montgomery County — the largest remaining vote share and Tom's incredibly strong base."

Perez has led the race decisively in Montgomery County since vote-counting began Tuesday night, at times hold double the number of votes Moore had in the jurisdiction. A resident and former county councilmember in Montgomery, Perez is now clearly counting on a hometown mail-in vote bonanza to even up the statewide race.

Moore has led statewide in the early voting and Election Day counts. In addition to the over 200,000 mail-in ballots, there are also 15,630 provisional ballots to be reviewed and counted. The winner will face off against Green Party candidate Nancy Wallace, Libertarian candidate David Lashar, and Republican nominee Dan Cox in November.


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Yup sure Obama will be cooking up some extra votes..where’s Rubyand her suitcase with dominionvotes

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I don't know why so many people in Montgomery County are voting for Tom Perez, except for the fact that he is a Typical Democrat Government Bureaucrat. The man has NO Personality, No Charisma and No One outside of Montgomery County or outside of Government even knows who he is ! I am sick and tired of Governors who are complete dorks and can't even express themselves to the average person. Thank God for Wes Moore !!..........>Thank God we have an alternative to Tom Perez !! And Tom, you LOST. Deal with it and hopefully you will fade quickly into the sunset and I hope you enjoy your retirement ! There are plenty of political think tanks in Washington D.C. where you can work very discreetly behind the scenes and accomplish the things you want.
