Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Assault at Bethesda bar

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an assault at a downtown Bethesda bar early Saturday morning, August 6, 2022. The assault was reported at a bar in the 4900 block of Cordell Avenue at 3:33 AM. It sounds like the assault may have taken place outside the bar, or inside at an earlier time, as none of the establishments in that area are still open at that hour.


  1. Another hot night in Bethesda. Just around the corner from 2D popo station. Wonder why they can't sit outside those bars after closing instead of looking elsewhere for DUIs/etc.

  2. @shanel - You'd be saying just the opposite if they were sitting around every bar waiting for something to happen. You can't have it both ways.

  3. @ SN No I wouldn't. There aren't that many bars in Bethesda, and they seem to be located around each other. I don't want it both ways. I'd rather popo sit outside the bars late at night than sit inside our schools every day scaring our kids. Yes, I said it.

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    @5:01 AM: "Scaring our kids". Who's telling them to be afraid? Probably you, right? Must be the uniforms as well, right? Yes, I said it.

  5. Anonymous8:08 AM

    So I'm walking around Rugby to Taster on Friday night and Tommy Joe's had their usual Mexican music night and the joint was loud and crowded. On my way back @3:00AM a huge group of drunken patrons were still gathered outside around the Streetery tables, way more than you would expect that late (probably disturbing residents at Triangle Towers) and one of them was taking a piss on the sidewalk right at the window where there are chairs and a table at CalTort. Not a MoCo PoPo in sight... Right around the corner from D2 station. I wonder how many tables and chairs at restaurant around B-town have dried urine on them? I've pissed in the alley behind where the old Red Fox Inn used to be, because I'm old and have BPH, but never brazen like that. The are the type of folks and situations that lead to bar fights, assaults, smashing windows at DD and BBQ places. I had my knife in my pocket just in case of any of their drunken post- bar sanctuary shenanigans.
