Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mail carrier robbed at knifepoint in Chevy Chase

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a robbery in broad daylight on one of the most elite streets in Chevy Chase yesterday, August 16, 2022. The robbery was reported in the 4300 block of Bradley Lane at 12:29 PM. WJLA-7 News reports that the victim was a United States Postal Service mail carrier, and that the robber used a pocket knife as a weapon. The mail carrier was not injured, but the male suspect - estimated to be in his twenties - fled the scene with the mail carrier's "bookbag" in a grey sedan with tinted windows, that police said might be a Lexus.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    And the wacko Left in this county, both citizen and elected, cry foul over concealed carry. Why can't USPS carriers have pepper spray on them? Why don't we pay to have all mail carriers trained? This is insane. Defund, demoralize the police and soft on crime. If that kid was apprehended, we all know he'd be back robbing the next day. Unreal.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    With the left in charge this is the frog-in-the-pot analogy while they keep quoting data that it's much safer now and that it's the guns, or the knife in this case, that cause the crime.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    @7:05 I don't think mail carriers want to risk dying over mail that isn't even theirs. And even if they were to be trained, where would this money come from? who would do the training? How many needless deaths and injuries would happen because a mail carrier decided to shoot someone trying to rob them of... let's see... a bag of coupons and credit card offers? Come off it.

    People love the idea of concealed carry and arming people like mail carriers and teachers but never bother to ride that train of thought to the next stop - the resources needed to do so, if those people even want to be armed, and the potential consequences of them being armed. What an undercooked idea.

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I wonder what happened to those four that were arrested for the previous USPS holdups? I imagine that since it was a federal crime/arrest that they're still in jail or something harsher (since it is federal), but you never know. RD, would be interesting to see if they were released and if this could be the same people. Can you see what happened to the previous perps?

  5. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Why didn't this mail carrier fight back, shout the nutjobs who want people to get stabbed or shot over a mailbag.

  6. Anonymous4:57 AM

    What you libs don't get is that just letting criminals have their way results in more crime. Just like defunding, or otherwise hampering, police and prosecuters from doing their jobs results in more crime. Despite "progressive" orthodoxy no one but the criminals and white liberals are in favor of more crime. Certainly not the law-abiding blacks and other minorities who bear the worst brunt of it.

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    4:57 we should get the FBI involved in cleaning up the streets since this is a federal crime!

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Most of the comments above are from ultra-conservative nutjobs that want to blame "wako lefts", "libs", etc. You do the same as the rest of your fart, far, right wing, idiots, finger point, like your are not part of the problem. Well, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! You are just as much to blame for these crimes, as anyone else, don't try to claim immunity from fault, when you have no REAL solution. Oh, and by the way, your precious little "Our Town" isn't alone.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      3:27 - The angry Left on display folks.

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    @ 4:57 AM - The MoCoPoPo has not been "de-funded".

  10. Anonymous5:28 PM

    It's scary how well you know us, 4:57. Personally, I'm totally in favor of lots and lots of crime in my neighborhood. Every other week I rent a bus to pick up inmates being released form DC's CDF, then bring them back here for a block party, complete with goody bags of weapons, a map of the area, and Beagle Boy burglar masks.

    "Class, who can tell us what part of 4:57's comment is most facile?"
    "Very good, Thomas!"

    You may want to reconsider your faux horror at "defunding," now that your leaders are demanding the FBI be defunded for their enforcing the law, now that your armed gangs are assembling outside FBI field offices, threating violence of federal agents. Isn't it curious how quickly your outrage turns, proving yet again the acronym IOKIYAR -- It's OK If You're A Republican.

  11. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sorry, 12:21, we can't call in the FBI. Remember, MAGA nation has demanded they be defunded for the heresy of enforcing the law a little too well.

  12. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Unfortunately 3:27 is unable, (like almost all democrats), to accept any responsibility for the increase in crime while their DA's release criminals over and over again with little or no bail.

    5:28/5:30 can't figure out the difference between a DOJ that acts like their personal gestapo going after political rivals and overworked/under supported law enforcement that sees freshly arrested criminals released within hours.

    CLUE: The former makes us look like a banana republic that even the president of El Salvador called us out on, while the latter affects ALL public safety. I should say almost all as the biggest proponents of defunding, (the squad), spends millions of taxpayer dollars on personal security.

    It's not the same despite the typical leftist rant that can only see things through a political lens. I should also congratulate democrats for the latest rainbow fentanyl surge marketed towards children thanks to their handing of the border. You guys have incredibly no self-awareness nor any shame at all.

  13. Anonymous4:55 AM

    5:28, let me spell it out for you since you pretend not to know: Dems are in favor of policies that result in more crime. Not all, but many or even most Dems are for those, i.e. defund. You did vote Dem didn't you? Then you are also for those policies by extension = more crime. Get it?

  14. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Montgomery County, MD's violent crime rate is lower than every single Red state in America. Every single one. Tell me again about how terrible Democrats are. In fact, MoCo's crime rate is less than every state in the union save for a handful of (of course) very liberal states (Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire). Red states, we all know, have BY FAR the most violent crime in America. There's a reason none of us live in them.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      5:29 - MD is furious about the NY gun case. But freedom loving constitutionalists are cheering rightly so. MD Shall Issue, a grass roots advocacy group, is challenging MD's HQL (handgun qualification licence) requirement and likely will win. Good. Walk into a gun shop, pass the required federal background check, and walk out the door with your constitutionally protected firearm. Ain't America great? Yes, she is.

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    5:29 Sell that bridge to someone else. BLUE CITIES run by democrats are the poster children for crime. DC is now the 10th most violent area 147% higher than the national average.

    Soros and his prosecutors/DA's are wreaking havoc on urban populations across the country that are now spreading into the suburbs yet here comes people like 5:29 telling everyone that what's happening isn't happening. But that's what democrats do these days and are constantly busy rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  16. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "MoCo crime rate < than red states" = apples and oranges = meaningless statement. Folks are fleeing Dem run states in droves. I am moving to FL next month. FL home to the anti-Woke and, the cherry on top: no state income tax. So stay here and enjoy yourself paying for a never-ending stream of Central Americans and other "refugees".

  17. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Hey 5:29, the reason that Dem states have lower crime rates is because the governments do the redistribution rather than the criminals thereby saving them the trouble.

  18. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hey, 3:40, good to see you again. I see reality still fails to intrude on your well manicure delusions. It's curious that a law-&-order, tough-on-crime type like you is so easily confused about the law's application.

    To review:
    *Unauthorized possession of government documents is illegal, irrespective of whether or not the docs were mystically, magically "blanket declassified." The National Archives, not DJT, determines if a person's possession of docs is legal. The docs removed from Mar-A-Lago are *government property*. The end of Trump's term in office was not like the end of a TV series, where actors get to keep souvenirs from the set. The papers he removed w/out consent or approval of the National Archives are not his to retain. They belong to the government, and he refused to relinquish them. Classified or not, federal law --not the whims of DJT-- are unambiguous, that the papers are government property; they do not belong to the King of MAL. Don't have a sad because DOJ acted in accordance with the law. I appreciate you, as a DJT acolyte, are unlikely to have an affinity for laws as they are written, but to paraphrase the old aphorism, "Contempt for the law is no excuse."

    If all this is difficult for you to comprehend, consider this: a banker retires and keeps a number of valuables he has, over the years, plucked from safety deposit boxes. (Yes, I know you need two people & two keys; don't be pedantic.) When confronted, the banker returns some of these items but keeps others. When police execute a search warrant on his house, to locate and remove the remaining articles, (which LEO have reliably been informed are to be found on the property,) the banker cries at the persecution, at the gestapo-like injustices befallen him. Do you suggest he is entitled to keep those items, or do they fairly belong to the people who entrusted to him the safe-keeping of these valuables? It isn't persecuting a political rival to expect the rule of law be adhered to by the citizenry. Membership in the Ex-Presidents Club does not come with a card guaranteeing no prosecution for any crimes committed. They might get away with breaking the law, but they might not. Just like you can't complain if you get a ticket for speeding. Well, yeah -- getting caught is the risk you take when you break the law.

    Troll repellant: Don't bother with the "But Hillary's emails; Obama's [already vetted by National Archives] docs." If everyone jumped off a bridge, would DJT follow?

    *Overworked/under-supported LEO are decried by non-MAGites for overstepping their [LEO's] mandate --which, let us all remember, has nothing to do with meting street justice or carrying out extra-judicial killings.

    If this is difficult for you to remember, just recall the opening lines from every episode of Law & Order "In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders." **Only the DAs** get to prosecute offenders. Police who shoot unarmed, fleeing suspects in the back, who suffocate restrained suspects, etc, etc --all those things? Not part of the job of police. Cops are there to respond to and investigate crimes, then arrest the suspects. Prosecution & punishment rest exclusively in the hands of the courts. Yes, the Constitution permits an officer to use deadly force when he has probable cause to believe a suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm to the officer or to others. Barring such situations, however, police are supposed to keep their suspects alive. Non-MAGites get shrill when police kill people who are not posing a threat of serious physical harm, "you bethca."

    I'm glad we had a chance to clear up your confusion about who is acting outside the scope of the law. (CLUE: it isn't Garland/DOJ/FBI)

  19. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Ewww, are you sure you want to open up the "defund" cupboard, 3:40? You may not yet be aware of this, since the subject has not yet reached the comics page, but TeamMAGA has been shouting themselves hoarse lately, demanding to defund the FBI. That falls pretty squarely under the umbrella of hypocrisy. Oh, I must not forget they've said AG Garland should be executed; they've held armed rallies outside FBI field offices; they've sent actual, real death threats to the Mar-A-Lago search warrant judge.

    Yeah, on balance, your accusations against the left are profoundly compromised by the actions of your fellow MAGites.

    CLUE: What makes America look like a banana republic is MAGites demanding we be governed by the rule of man, not the rule of law. It is former presidents thinking they are impervious to the law, eternally immune to legal culpability by virtue of office held. In America, nobody gets to make such claims of absolution. If you [are reasonably thought to have] commit[ed] a crime in America, you run the risk of being prosecuted. That is true for former presidents just as much as it is true of knife-wielding armed robbers.

    In fairness, El Salvador's President Bukele may be forgiven for not understanding the distinction, he a political neophyte, leading a party not yet five years old in a country where the term "rule of law" is necessarily affixed with an asterisk. In 2021, the World Justice Project ranked El Salvador 95th out of 139 countries for that nation's commitment to the rule of law. (USA ranked #27)

    All of which is to say, thoughtful as it was for President Bukele [and you] to concern troll the US justice system, he should probably concentrate on cleaning his own house, getting his rule-of-law stats above the lowest third in the world, before he passes judgement on ours.

  20. Anonymous2:53 AM

    3:22/4:02 Is a fantastic example of a blind water carrier for the current democratic party as one could hope for and is the reason why this country will be ever divided. MSM runs deep and since they've precluded Clinton, Sandy Berger etal, we're not allowed to mention them here. So if a government employee, (we won't say who to keep your blood pressure in check), keeps an unauthorized email server at home that was used to send classified government materials and wipes it electronically when federal law requires a copy be maintained that is no big deal. If another person, (anonymous of course), goes into the National Archives and removes classified documents and stuffs said documents in their underwear and socks, that is equally no big deal. The left is twisting in the wind with hypocrisy and watching people like you vigorously defend the police state is equally funny and sad.

    Soros defenders like you are arguably worse than the criminals themselves as you enable the worst of society to flourish instead of accepting consequences of their initial actions and possibly having a lesson learned turned into a productive member of society. Instead you hamper local law enforcement by punishing all for the actions of a few and give their enforcement no teeth thus demoralizing the entire force.

    There is a reason why your disappointment will run like a river come November and thanks to the fascists running the WH/Congress/DOJ now, Trump will be your president in 2024. I fully expect the brown shirts in your party to arrest him which everyone outside the circle fest of dystopia will see as third-world political. Makes the last paragraph of 4:02 about cleaning his own house first even funnier. If I need to explain why, you'll actually never get it but we're not laughing with you...

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I need to invest in Reynolds with the amount you must use

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Say you’ve never actually dealt with classified info without saying you’ve never dealt with classified info

  21. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Old Plugs loves to say MAGA doesn't he? Just like Obama, they cling to their guns, bible and have antipathy to those who aren't like them. Got it.

  22. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Bedrock principle of US legal regime is equal application of the law. Relentless investigations and prosecution of Jan 6 folks and Trump while simultaneously ignoring BLM/Antifa riots/murder/destruction and obvious corruption of the Biden family violates this bedrock principle. Its as simple as that for all you brainwashed Dem apologists (3:22/4:02) who bloviate a lot of words but make no sense. There will be blowback if this continues and you all will not like it.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Which group tried to stop a bedrock process of our democracy?

  23. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Maybe it’s a comprehension problem as the inability to separate DOJ overreach a local law enforcement. “Ewww, are you sure you want to open up the "defund" cupboard” Calling for the defunding of a politically motivated DOJ isn’t the same as your side calling for a general defunding of local police departments but since the MSM has told you what to say and when to say it, color us not surprised.

    Then there’s the Hunter Biden laptop which was Russian disinformation until it wasn’t. There is so much here which illustrates the true hypocrisy of the left, especially the DOJ.

    As much as I would enjoy watching liberals heads pop off if the next Trump AG/DOJ were to round up all the democrats for violating the exact laws they are saying the right is guilty of AND have armed targeted raids, (tipping off conservative media ahead of time), meeting democrats at the airport with handcuffs & leg irons, we would then be as disgusting and untrustworthy as you are now.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Are you offering tours of that echo chamber? Seems pretty cavernous

  24. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Let's start by arresting criminals for which the DOJ already have evidence for:

    More truth in one paragraph than the NYT/WP has published all year:

    Ah, the impartial DOJ:

    Then the real issue with democrats like the judge who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant not to mention plugs who also has a problem with kids:

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Ahh breitbart and other far right media groups. Bastions on unbiased truth they certainly are

    2. Anonymous3:06 AM

      How would you know? Your sources have lied for years but conformation bias let's you sleep at night. BTW, how's that Russia collusion investigation going?

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      A bit of calling the kettle black there pot😂. Nice whatboutsim, what ever happened with the email server, four years of opportunity and no actions taken? That’s a pretty low performance

  25. Anonymous12:27 AM

    @2:53 -- Sandy Berger? You mean the Sandy Berger who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives, who was fined $50,000, and who was sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, who and stripped of his security clearance for three years? Knock yourself out. Talk all you want about him. He stole documents, he was charged, and convicted. I think he's an excellent example to bring up, actually.

    @9:15 Agreed! Let's arrest the criminals for whom we have evidence of guilt. The FBI's finding multiple boxes of government documents at Mar-A-Lago is overwhelming evidence of DJT's guilt, inasmuch as the crimes charged all concern illegal possession of government material, *irrespective of the classification status of those documents.* DJT's --illegally, (government-owned papers, not DJT-owned papers) having boxes full of these docs in his possession/under his control at Mar-A-Lago is overwhelming evidence of his being in violation of the law. You bet, let's arrest those criminals forthwith.

    HUZZAH! Left and right are at last breaching the gap, coming together and agreeing on something.

  26. Anonymous10:59 AM

    So was Berger raided by an armed team? Was he put in leg irons at the airport. Just to be clear, POTUS can declassify any document until the day they leave office. What was Hillary's position? And regarding subordinate process crimes, how were democrats working under Obama treated versus Trump.

    The problem with democrats is what constitutes a crime is handled completely differently depending on political affiliation. I'm not surprised that liberals can't understand as they prioritize party loyalty ahead of everything else.

    How did the Russia collusion investigation work out? No democrat would survive the kind of scrutiny doled out to Trump in the last 6-years.

    Why are the alleged crimes by Hunter Biden, Joe and his brother, documented with witnesses, video and audio sitting on the DOJ back burner? But yes, let's send an armed team to Mar-a-Lago when they could have done it with a subpoena. We look like a 3rd world country thanks to democrats and the fact that you can't see that is why you will always fail.

  27. Anonymous11:41 AM

    12:27, you left out Hunter and unfortunately (as he can't be prosecuted while in office) "The Big Guy" for which there is overwhelming evidence of guilt of corruption of foreign influence peddling, sex trafficking, drug use and so forth. How's that for "coming together"?

  28. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Dear 3:06. Are you talking about the Russia investigation where it was determined no charges could be brought *specifically because* Trump was a sitting president? Funny you should ask.

    This update, not yet 72 hours old:
    "The Justice Department under [DJT-appointed] Attorney General William Barr improperly withheld portions of an internal memo Barr cited in announcing that then-President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation, a federal appeals panel said Friday.

    "Friday’s appeals court decision said the internal Justice Department memo noted that “Mueller had declined to accuse President Trump of obstructing justice but also had declined to exonerate him.” The internal memo said “the Report’s failure to take a definitive position could be read to imply an accusation against President Trump” if released to the public, the court wrote.

    "Sitting presidents are generally protected from criminal charges on grounds it would undermine their ability to perform the office’s constitutional duties. The Justice Department, like Mueller, “took as a given that the Constitution would bar the prosecution of a sitting President,” the appeals court wrote, which meant the decision that Trump wouldn’t be charged had already been made and couldn’t be shielded from public release.

    In other words, DOJ determined at the outset that no charges could be brought against DJT specifically because he was the sitting president. Mueller's investigation of "Russian collusion" neither vindicated nor indicted DJT because Mueller was "barred" from making any charges against DJT. It is worth remembering when you mockingly reference the incident that Mueller pointedly said his investigation had NOT exonerated DJT of the allegations.

    "The Democrat House judiciary committee chairman Jerold Nadler opened questioning on Wednesday by asking Mr Mueller whether Donald Trump had been accurate to claim he was "exonerated" by the special counsel report, to which Mr Muller replied with an emphatic "No".

    "Mr Mueller also reiterated that the special counsel team had found evidence that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 US election with the aim intention of benefiting then-candidate Trump.

    "The special counsel report outlines that there is a unique set of circumstances at play, because guidelines issued by the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) state that a sitting president cannot be indicted."

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    4:59 Hello kettle? It's the pot.

  30. Anonymous2:58 PM

    If 1:11 isn't on the DNC salary, they should be as the level of excuses supported by bloviated conjecture is amazing. Nadler? Didn't he call the Antifa riots in Portland a myth? Seriously, check your meds, "The riots are mostly peaceful"!

    No one is really surprised by what democrats say or do these days anyway because those days are numbered. You're in a very small minority that still believes the Russia hoax. BTW, Star Wars is a fictional movie.

    By the non-answer, I assume that Hunter Biden, Joe, (the big guy), & his brother haven't made the MSM, (therefore you haven't even heard of it). Well democracy does die in darkness and just because the 3rd world DOJ is fighting tooth and nail to ignore it, come next January a new congress will be seated where you'll be able to complain how wrong it is to go after a father just trying to profit off his crackhead son for insider deals in Ukraine & China.

  31. Anonymous4:45 PM

    1:11, Innocent until proven guilty. Another idea which seems to escape you all. Its not up to the government to exonerate anybody. Wrap your mind around this. The next POTUS will be either Trump or DeSantis. For your sake I hope its Trump.

  32. Anonymous5:07 PM

    It's good to be a democrat..

  33. Anonymous7:20 AM

    This is who the DOJ is now:

    Steven D'Antuono who ran the Detroit field office when, trial testimony alleges, it instigated, encouraged and facilitated what the government charges was a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. What we now know, (through trial cross examination), is that the FBI suggested, encouraged and financed the plot which is why it's blown up in their face.

    So what to do with an agent that fails a major operation but shows the correct political bias? Wray promotes and puts him in charge of the Mar-a-Lago raid. Keystone cops would do a better job.

    There was a time when liberals went with slogans like "Question Authority" and stood for the 1st and 4th Amendments but now showing their true totalitarian colors it's funny and sad to see liberals decry that this raid is "a wonderful thing". Take a look in the mirror occasionally

  34. Anonymous8:49 AM

    @10:59 -- In answer to your question re/an armed response to DJT vs Sandy Berger, I guess the FBI "feared for their safety," just like police & deputies who keep making headlines for killing suspects who posed no threat to them or the community. Maybe the Mar-A-Lago search warrant, with those long gun-wielding agents standing guard at the entrance, was the DOJ equivalent of a traffic stop where LEO feared for their safety.

    Perhaps looking at things this way will help you better appreciate why people rioted in 2020. You say DOJ overreacted, but DJT had boxes of gov’t material in his possession without requisite gov’t approval. The Left says police overreacted by kneeling on George Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes; that police overreacted by shooting & killing Philando Castile, Alton Sterling; when they shot (in the back) & killed Walter Scott; when they shot & killed William Chapman, Eric Harris, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, et al. You are enraged to see *ONE* incident you view as police overreach, in which the suspect emerges without so much as a scraped elbow. The Left is enraged because time after time after time police *KILL* people who posed no threat to either the officer's or to the public's safety. Your side has sent armed gangs to threaten FBI field offices following a single, *legal* search warrant that was executed in an orderly, *legal* fashion, which ended without any physical incident. Take your fury and multiply it by the scores, hundreds of times LEO has used lethal force without provocation. NOW do you see why people rioted in 2020? DJT walked away from this without a wrinkle in his billowy Brioni suit. That can't be said for any of the people I named, or for the scores of others who met similar, fatal ends.

    So maybe the DOJ, who had reliable information a crime had been committed at Mar-A-Lago —the illegal retention of gov’t documents, which were on the property after attorneys for DJT had signed a statement attesting that all classified material had been removed from the property— and feared for their safety when they executed the warrant. DJT and his attorneys had earlier in the summer been given the opportunity to resolve the matter quietly, but the suspect and his legal team chose instead to lie to investigators by signing a statement attesting that no further classified materials were at MAL. When DOJ received credible evidence suggesting such was not the case, that further gov’t-owned material remained illegally at MAR contrary to the statement attesting otherwise, they executed a search of the property. Why should FBI not treat this suspect as a potential threat to their safety when he has demonstrated his willingness to lie and to deceive investigators, to behave suspiciously? Police around the country claim suspects they have shot --or suffocated-- and killed were being uncooperative, were resisting lawful orders, were acting suspiciously. DJT resisted lawful direction to return to the gov’t documents illegally in his possession. He refused to comply with the gov’t lawful directions as evidenced by both the statement signed by his attorneys falsely stating he *had* complied, and by the subsequent discovery and removal from MAL of multiple boxes of documents found when the search warrant was executed.

    The Right brushes away police shootings with some variation of, "When police tell you to do something, you do it, full stop. It doesn't matter if you think they're wrong; work that out later. Police have a tough job, and *your* job is to comply with their orders. You see what happens if you don't."

    That applies to your bronzed demagogue, too. Given your side's dismissal of the consequences of ignoring lawful directions, you should be cheering the FBI for their remarkable restraint and composure, since no one poses a greater threat to the community than DJT.

  35. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @11:48 "Nice whatboutsim, what ever happened with the email server, four years of opportunity and no actions taken?"

    You criticize an earlier, unidentified comment as "whataboutism," and in the very next phrase engage in . . . whataboutism.

    You see that, yes? You do see your double-standard, don't you? Engaging in the very activity you accuse/criticize another of carrying out.

    Don't get me wrong --I think it's brilliant. It crystalizes so elegantly, so concisely the psychological projection, the reactionary hypocrisy and willful rejection of even the simplest, most basic, elementary logic that it is deserving of a place in the Freud Museum, in Bartlett's, in the Smithsonian. It is the pinnacle, the apotheosis, the quintessence of MAGA thinking laid bare: unironic, unabashed, unapologetic double-standard. An indictment of the opposition for the precise thing you are guilty of.

    Bravo, champ. Well played.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      That’s the point bud. If you missed that, I want to play you in battleship 😂

  36. Anonymous9:17 AM

    @4:45 -- Inasmuch as DOJ was not allowed to charge the sitting president with any crimes, but Mueller testified under oath that his investigation emphatically had *not* exonerated DJT, and that evidence was found supporting the charge of Russian interference in the 2016 election, you might want to put an asterisk by that innocent thing. Yes, DJT is innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, but it is akin to Sammy Sosa or Barry Bonds' [steroid-fueled] batting records. Still, a win is still a win, no matter how the system is gamed to get there.

  37. Anonymous9:38 AM

    @7:20 -- That would be FBI Director Christopher Wray, hand picked by DJT to serve as head of the FBI for a ten-year term. Yes, President Biden could order Wray to resign, could fire Wray, but because Biden is an ethical president, unlike his immediate predecessor, who summarily fired the previous FBI Director for insufficient loyalty to partisan politics,) he has let Wray --who was, remember, hand-picked by DJT-- continue to serve his term in office.

    The position of Director of the FBI is intentionally set at ten years, "to insulate the director from political pressure" --a consideration DJT didn't let hinder him when he fired James Comey for not ending the department's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

    To the charge of Steven D'Antuono's encouragement of people to commit illegal acts, that's called a "sting." It is a pretty standard law enforcement tactic. In fact, a number of posters to other strings on Robert's site have --perhaps unwittingly-- called for such a thing when they suggest Montgomery County police should use "bait cars," to entice would-be car thieves to steal one of these specially configured vehicles. Why is it a good thing for police to arrest people they have encouraged to steal cars but somehow it's a bad thing for the FBI to arrest people they encouraged kidnap a sitting governor? Crime is crime is crime, and finding people who are willing to do illegal things is one of the jobs of law enforcement.

  38. Anonymous10:42 AM

    "since no one poses a greater threat to the community than DJT" - Wow, the derangement runs deeper than most people could imagine. There is no help for someone who possesses this kind of 3rd world mindset. Still no defense of Clinton?

    Pointing out what democrats have done to this country by way of the Economy, the Border, and lawlessness yet it's orange man bad 24/7 shows how detached from reality you leftists truly are. Like the brownshirts in the late 30's, you're ready to round up anyone who steps outside of the lanes you've drawn for everyone. Without double standards, liberals would have no standards.

    Keep in mind that liberal posturing is nothing unusual. Ask Adam Schiff about "the evidence" and you get nothing for 6-years because lying is something democrats do without a second thought.

    But conservatives should be happy as liberal overreach virtually guarantees a Trump victory in 2024 so save your crocodile tears.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Man the world you must live in. You ever think about changing out those lens and taking off the ear muffs for a bit? Might be fun

  39. Anonymous11:05 AM

    "Biden is an ethical president" - Given that baseline with what we know from the Tony Bobulinski interview & Hunter Biden laptop, it's clearly no wonder why the mental issues don't just stop at political conversation. Tell that the the veterans that died in Afghanistan. Tell that to to the border patrol on horseback who were exonerated yet still persecuted not to mention the pain, suffering and death as a result of the essentially open border. Cartels love him and though we've caught almost 12K lbs of fentanyl how much are on the streets now. Just wow.

  40. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Maybe Brandon doesn't know the difference.

  41. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Nice links, 10:42, all very non-biased, straight-up dispassionate journalism sites: Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal, the hard-right Boston Herald, Murdoch's ultra-right tab, the New York Post, and the éminence grise of rightwing publishing, The National Review.

    Point out what Democrats have done to this country since Biden took office? We've added 9.5 millions jobs, the unemployment rate has fallen from 6.4% to 3.5%, and, to paraphrase Chief of Staff Ron Klain, President Biden has signed into law the largest economic recovery package since FDR, the largest infrastructure bill since Eisenhower, and the largest climate change legislation ever --that last part of a climate and healthcare package that caps the price of insulin for the 3.3m people dependent on it, allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies, and helps pay insurance premiums for 13m people, who will, as a consequence, be better able to seek preventive care rather than waiting until a disease or condition lands them in the emergency room, where prices and treatment cost multiples more for taxpayers to cover. Gas prices, sent soaring because of the broad global boycott of oil from revanchist Russia, (the nation second only to the USA in oil production, with 10.5 bbl/day,) have fallen steadily for the last nine, (ten?) weeks.

    Not bad, actually.

    What defense of Clinton am I supposed to make? I'll refer you to the comments made by 4:45.
    "Innocent until proven guilty. Another idea which seems to escape you all."

    Ciao, Cookie.

  42. Anonymous3:07 PM

    10:42, I just re-read your post, and I apologize for earlier having mocked the links you provided as biased. I mean, they are, but not for the reason I mentioned. Since each comes from one or another deeply conservative publication I didn't bother to investigate further. I assumed you were linking to actual journalistic news articles, rather than to opinion pieces, which I see each of those four is. Had I bothered to check this before writing my earlier response to you I would have pointed out that commentaries are utterly without any value whatsoever in a discussion of facts. They are wonderful to read, to consider, to reflect upon. They can be engaging, enraging, thought provoking. But they are not intended by their authors to masquerade as news reporting, since the entire concept of an opinion piece is to present the personal, biased point of view of the person writing it --"This is what I think of the situation," not "These are the facts of the situation."

    I apologize for not having clicked your links before commenting on them. That was dismissive of me.

  43. Anonymous4:07 PM

    @11:05, to the best of my knowledge, President Biden has not assigned his son a role, official or otherwise, in this administration. Thus, absent actual evidence --and to be clear, simply saying something is so does not qualify as evidence-- it seems another in your Cavalcade of Canards, to draw Hunter and former colleague Tony Bobulinski into the picture. If Tony B. has evidence of wrong-doing, he should absolutely present it, (much as the My Pillow Guy should turn over to authorities his oft referred to "proof" of 2020 election fraud.) Crackpots and their conspiracies are a dime a dozen. If there's proof, present it to a grand jury. Oh, and "The Laptop?" Yeah, no. Chain of custody on that is a better laugh than a killer five minute set of George Carlin.

    Technically, someone who is still on active duty is not considered a veteran under U.S. law, but we'll set that aside. Yep, active-duty troops died in the withdrawn from Afghanistan, and it sucked. It sucked that DJT negotiated a treaty requiring the full withdrawal from that country. It sucked that our troops died during that withdrawal. It does not suck that those were the last American troops who would die in that country.

    On the topic of veterans, I shall remind you that earlier this summer Senate Republicans, in a fit of pique at legislation beneficial to the American people having just passed in that chamber, vowed to block legislation that would expand healthcare for vets exposed to toxic substances while on active duty. It seems somehow disingenuous of you to express concern for the 13 servicemen who died in the Afghan withdrawal without your saying anything to denounce Republican effort to deny veterans health benefits.

    Seizures of Fentanyl have increased --more than doubled-- under the current administration. That certainly sounds like applause is due to better enforcement efforts.

  44. Anonymous4:44 PM

    2:23 Couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat so sticking by MSM sources that lied about Trump/Russian collusion and kept saying the laptop was Russian disinformation lends zero credibility when blowing off "right wing" media.

    Clinton violated Federal rules by keeping/using/sending classified information via private server. Destroyed evidence in violation of Federal subpoena and since she was never president had no authority to declassifiy but you have no issues with that.

    The fact that there is a set of groupies out there that believe Brandon is ethical knowing what is already known is stunning. It shadows every word written with a question mental acuity.

  45. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Check out the labor participation rate delta before you start bragging about adding jobs. If you were actually telling the truth, (which isn't in your DNA), bragging about Biden's record on the economy IS the reason why his numbers are in the toilet. Ron Klain the serial liar? Everyone knows that Brandon has the mind of a failing preschooler.

    Nice try on gas prices because any grade school student can read a simple graph noting the price increase well before the Russian invasion and now you're refilling the SPR at $100+/barrel while Schumer bragged about stopping Trump from filling it when it was 1/3 the price. Laughable even more is the press secretary taking a victory lap with gas dropping to DOUBLE what it was when Brandon took office. Don't mention diesel which moves EVERYTHING. Clueless doesn't even begin to say it.

    Look at all the human traffickers and drug mules democrats have allowed into this country by not securing the border. Try blaming that on Trump like that idiot Klain. Your side lies so much you can't distinguish it from the truth and your policies have all but wrecked the economy from just 2-years ago, but that's why November is going to be an awakening.

    So much to unpack here but I'm not a paid therapist and that's really what you need.

  46. Anonymous5:07 AM

    This is liberal logic:

    "Seizures of Fentanyl have increased --more than doubled-- under the current administration. That certainly sounds like applause is due to better enforcement efforts."

    No mention of the documented fentanyl crisis in virtually every city including "rainbow fentanyl" being marketed towards kids. Are you manufacturing it in your Chevy Chase basement? Unlikely because it's COMING THROUGH THE BORDER. Increased seizures indicates higher volume but maybe you skipped class that day at Wharton, (not that they let someone with preconceived notions like that graduate). One might think that at least on this subject you could have an epiphany and admit there's a problem but no, you and yours are foot on the gas pretending that the road never ends.

  47. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Another partisan boondoggle that democrats will run away from when it doesn't do what they say it will.

  48. Anonymous6:25 AM

    @9:38 AM: You have something against bait cars? Why? Because they work? In addition to catching actual car thieves, the whole point is to act as an unseen deterrent to auto theft. Bait cars make potential car thieves reconsider stealing any car because they're not sure whether it's a bait car or not, especially if they have friends who were caught and imprisoned because of trying to steal a bait car. That's the whole point. It catches thieves and it also deters theft. It's not entrapment. Catch enough people and deter enough people and you no longer have a car theft problem in MoCo.

  49. Anonymous7:37 AM

    4:07 PM: Maybe you can explain why the Vets Healthcare Bill wasn't a clean standalone bill when it should have been. Republicans voted against the pork-laden monstrosity of a bill that the Democrats deliberately attached the Vets Healthcare Bill provisions to as political leverage, which you are attempting to use right here. I really wish you weren't misleading in your tribalism. It's not fooling me, but perhaps you don't care.

  50. Anonymous2:35 PM

    That's a lot of bile and misdirection to address, but here goes:

    6:25 --I've nothing against bait cars. I pointed out the hypocrisy of 7:20, who objected to the FBI's using similar tactics in the Gov. Whitmer attempted kidnap case, two defendants from which are now convicted felons, guilty on all charges stemming from the incident.

    5:16 --You linked to an opinion piece, not a news article. Opinions pieces are meritless in a discussion of facts.

    5:07 Yup, Fentanyl ODs continue apace. Good thing the Biden admin has more than doubled seizures of the drug in the USA, or do you propose he send US troops to Mexico and start a war with them? Perhaps you’d rather "build the wall." You've doubtless read numerous reports of the laughable construction jobs done on that front: the collapses, the tunnels, the holes cut, the ladders scaling—enough said. Fentanyl is cheap to make, easy to transport in large quantities --a fanny pack of it sounds like it would net as much $$$ as a truckload of marijuana. My point is, how do you stop something that can be produced & concealed so easily, which is in such huge demand?

    Dear heavens, "rainbow fentanyl”?!!? I'm fairly sure it is beyond the scope of federal legislation to address the marketing campaigns of drug cartels.

    7:02 --You mean the labor participation rate that increased from 61.4% in 1/21 to 62.1% in 6/22? Unless I'm mistaken, that means more people are working now than when DJT left office. [checks notes] Yup, that qualifies as something to crow about.

    Thank goodness our grade-schoolers can read charts! They will be able to confirm gas prices have risen for years before the Ukraine invasion, save for the Covid "thing," when demand plummeted. I assume those grade-schoolers will also read that refineries closed, oil rigs shuttered during Covid, due to the flattened demand, and that when we all did emerge from isolation in 2021 --thanks to vaccines made widely available by Pres. Biden-- there wasn't enough gas in storage to meet the surge in demand --again, because the oil industry had all but shut down during the pandemic. That said, the super-spike in pump prices follows the 2/24/22 Russian invasion of Ukraine. That spike has been diminishing for weeks now.

    As with [your?] 5:07 post, I direct you to the Ozymandian monuments speckling the southern border --rusted, collapsed, breached, tunneled beneath. Lord Loudmouth burned atmospheres of oxygen bloviating about his "Big, beautiful wall." The efforts he made are embarrassments worthy of eternal derision and ridicule. You bet, Mexican cartels have a powerful interest in smuggling the drug to the USA. It's cheaper and easier to make Fentanyl than heroin, and if the end-user isn't dead from an OD after using it, he'll be coming back for more, guaranteed. I take your concern for the preservation of life to be genuine. Do you support increased funding for things like broader access to Narcan, for example?

    4:44 --The laptop may very well be authentic. I never said it wasn't. I *did* say the chain of custody on the thing is so problematic it could never possibly be introduced as evidence in any court proceeding. Forensic analysis of the machine showed documents had been added long after it had left Hunter Biden's control, that logs were altered more than a year after, and that email signatures of some who corresponded with H Biden, (including re/Burisma,) could not be verified as authentic, since Russia was known to have hacked Burisma servers six months before Hunter left the computer at that Delaware shop. That doesn't mean there isn't possibly genuinely incriminating evidence on the device, but it does mean there is proof of extensive tampering with evidence and poor chain of custody sufficient to render the exhibit inadmissible.

  51. Anonymous3:59 AM

    2:35 Might as well be the grand excuse maker in that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, they seem to be entitled to their own facts. That pretty much sums up leftists arguments.

    The fuel price excuse is a perfect example. The graph looks like a hockey stick for reality challenged defenders. Taking responsibility for Brandon's policies towards oil leases and blind push for renewables can be completely ignored while the completely clueless transportation secretary tells lower & middle class people, (you know, the ones most affected by fuel prices), to go out a buy an EV, (66K average price 7/2022). So detached from reality, you and most of this administration have the mindset of 5yr old deciding what to make for the family dinner.

    So now, you've transitioned from Brandon the great border drug enforcer to orange man bad? Do you actually read what you write or are you secretly one of the inmates at St. Elizabeth's in Anacostia? Democrats open the border to the cartel for drug and human trafficking recording record numbers in migrants, people on the terror watch list, drug mules and worst of all, children used as currency in the sex trade. There are consequences to every action and people who support this administration's border policies are as guilty as they are.

    Of course the laptop is no big deal unless it was Don Jr. where irregardless of source or ANYTHING else would be used in a real trial of DJT. The DOJ/FBI suppression of the laptop is plain and obvious, (well not to the liberal brown shirts), along with Bobulinski who they have never bothered to have testify, (because that would blow up in their/your face). What about the 50 "intelligence" people that signed the letter calling it Russian disinformation now that even the NYT has admitted that it's true? What credibility do they have, (or you for that matter), left?

    Answer, none

  52. Anonymous4:06 AM

    When you pay people to stay home, they tend to stay home and are not counted as unemployed. Bloviating about employment numbers with what we know about the labor force wouldn't make sense normally but Brandon is counting on apathy, (as all democrats do).

  53. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I forgot to comment on your line about opinion columns. While in many cases, an opinion is just that, but used in context of supporting an argument so as not to plagiarize a particular line of thought one might think that you could tell the difference. Unfortunately since liberal opinions are being sold as factual, (the front pages of the NYT/WP etal), you're unable to discern the differences.

    I can only hope that as an overburdened taxpayer, I'm not paying any part of your salary but that's probably a dream as well.

  54. Anonymous7:40 AM

    More uncomfortable commentary except when it's real. Thanks democrats!

  55. Anonymous7:43 AM

    More fake news...

    Except when it's not:

  56. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I know, true whistleblowers only report on Republicans.

  57. Anonymous8:47 PM

    4:06 --You have linked to the BLS chart that supports the figures I cited in response to 7:02's brusque demand, that I "Check out the labor participation rate delta." I did, I used the figures you helpfully linked to, and they affirm that a greater percentage of people --62.1%, according to BLS-- are participating in the labor for in July, 2022 than were the 61.4% who were said to be doing so in January, 2021, DJT's last day in office. If you now want to move the goal posts, as your side so often does when it is losing an argument, we can certainly review this claim, regarding the U6 figures. I'm not sure you'll like what you see, though, as it shows people are coming out of their homes to work now, while Biden is president, not when the Grifter King was tossing cheeseburgers at West Wing walls.
    --January, 2021, (DJT time) U6 = 12:00%
    --July, 2022, (Biden time) U6 = 7.20%

    Do you dispute that average price per gallon of gasoline has fallen steadily over the last ten weeks? Average US prices peaked at $5.003/gallon the week of 6/13, and have fallen each week since then.

    Better cue the sad trombones:

    Ah, the children. Won't someone please think of the children? To your meandering, melodramatic jeremiad about the border. Someone, I assume it to be you, earlier in this string was shrieking at the Fentanyl crisis in the USA. I mentioned the stuff was cheap and easy to make and easily concealable in quantities sufficient to be profitable for drug traffickers, much more so than, say marijuana or cocaine. CPB stats bear this out: 112,000 pounds of the stuff were seized by CPB agents in FY2021. That's roughly twice as much as the labor-intensive heroin, (54,000#,) but less than one-tenth the amount of [also labor-intensive] cocaine that's captured, (97,600#,) and a spit-in-the-ocean fraction of the 319,000# of marijuana CPB indicted in FY 21. How do you effectively stop something cold that is so cheap and easy to make, that demands such hysterical, frenzied market demand, that is so easily concealable? Think of the ease with which a box of candy can be smuggled into a movie theater. It isn't that Biden's CBP is falling down on the job. It is they are responsible for securing a 2,000-mile border with Mexico 24-7, trying to stop tiny pills that, even in quantities as small as a FedEx box, will turn a profit for the cartels. The "big, beautiful wall" was proven to be a failure in every design attempted, and I give DJT & Co. full marks for having tried their best to make one or another design work. But none of them did. So how do you keep that FedEx box from getting across somewhere in ~2,000 miles? I'm all for not having drugs or illegals --YES! I call them that, b/c they broke the law to get into the country, they did something illegal in the way they got her, so that's the name I append them-- coming through, but I have not heard or seen any ideas or designs that have proven effective at stopping them. No, you may not shoot them.

  58. Anonymous1:04 AM

    7:37 --*BWING! BWING! BWING!*

    New goalpost alert! New goalpost alert!

    Your complaint appears to have morphed from the original 11:05 death of American troops during the Afghan withdrawal to now being GOP senators voted against giving vet's additional healthcare benefits because the bill "should have been" a stand-alone, clean bill. That is next-level shrewd thinking, and I pray the GOP hangs on your every word, faithfully carrying out your latest tactical masterstrokes.

    [Overheard before the humiliating self-own of the GOP on the issue] "We'll show those lousy Dems what they're up against! When the bill comes up, you vote *against* giving veteran's additional healthcare funds to cover injuries sustained while on active duty. There's discretionary spending lumped in this bill, and we aren't going to cave to that old saw. Stand strong and trust me: this will bring the Dems to their knees."

    With smarts like yours, you should apply as legal counsel for the gossamer bully. It sounds like he's run through just about everyone else at this point, so he might well take you on. Sadly, he won't be able to pay for your time. He isn't indigent; he's just a grifter who welshes on his debts.

    Funny thing about the Senate and "should have been." There "should have been" confirmation hearings for President Obama's Supreme Court nominee. No need to reply --I already know the answer: IOKIYAR

  59. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Blind as a bat but willing to project liberal talking points. Hard to believe that someone is willing to put themselves out there to interpret low LPR numbers as a positive for the unemployment figures, but there you are. Ask yourself, if everything is a good as you say, then why is the economy and your leaders poll numbers as bad as they are? Maybe the BS you're pedaling can actually be seen as a lie or are we just too stupid to understand how great the economy really is?

    So is former Obama economic advisor, Jason Furman now Harvard professor a traitor for tweeting: "Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless. Doing it while going well beyond one campaign promise ($10K of student loan relief) and breaking another (all proposals paid for) is even worse,". No more DC cocktail parties for that guy.

    Hilarious how you, Brandon & the press secretary are celebrating gas prices going down to DOUBLE what they were when they took office. Not even going into liberal opinion pieces how leases denied have nothing to do with prices. Love how it's now the democrats taking credit for the reduction while the run up was Russia, (until that lie got exposed via the timeline). What about diesel? You do realize that diesel is still double standing at almost $5.50/gal average or you probably don't because in your world, all food is sourced from the grocery store.

    For those who failed business school, (or simply have a liberal inspired education), diesel fuel is responsible for food production, processing and transportation. In addition, nothing moves, (even your EV), without trucks/trains utilizing diesel. Here's another little clue for the limousine liberals out there; Sometimes referred to as the tipping point where inflation exceeds many household budgets thereby reducing demand and thus having a impact on wholesale fuel prices with lower demand. In other words, democrats once again fail to see the the forest from the trees.

    We already know your disdain for securing the border, (fighting Trump tooth & nail over the wall), and there was a time when you actually cared about what happened to children there like when Trump locked them in cages, (oh wait! that was Obama - sorry), and excuse making for the rise of fentanyl is frankly disgusting. Children to democrats are simply pawns to be used when they need something, the rest of the time, your side is grooming them and indoctrinating them.

    As small as a FedEx box:

    But it's easy these days to see when a democrat is lying, they're moving their lips.

  60. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Democrats have a long history of being wrong then trying the same things expecting different results. They want open borders yet blame the fentanyl crisis on small FedEx boxes, (and Republicans of course). Call them out and they'll tell you what a great job they're doing, (the riots are mostly peaceful).

    No problem because democrats are now in charge the cost will be more than triple when they rejected Trump's proposal to refill it. Like the student loan forgiveness plan, it's no problem when it's other peoples money.

  61. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Remember when Pelosi said Brandon doesn't have the authority to reduce student loan debt? Or when Brandon said all proposals will be 100% paid for? Well the Wharton school just threw cold water on that with an analysis of the 300+ BILLION dollar welfare to the wealthy program.

    Congratulations liberals, you own this:

    Nothing to see here since you've changed the definition of recession:

    Can't be true:

  62. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Even your big tech supporters are having trouble with confused messaging:

    When a corrupt DOJ along with corrupt Zuckerberg have a wedding:

    More democrats looking out for children:

    There is a reason why a large majority of people who serve and have served don't trust liberals like Brandon:

    More fake news as it doesn't fit preconceived notions of Trump:

    Let's not forget Mook's testimony which a functioning DOJ would have investigated but Garland is the firewall protecting democrats.

    And by the way, not bringing Garland to the floor of the Senate had nothing to do with him being not confirmed. I realized you're confused here but your previous hero, Harry Reid, pulled the nuclear option for judicial conformation so even with a floor vote he didn't have a simple majority. Liberals have never been taught that there are consequences to their actions which we can observe daily.

  63. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Odd how anyone who crosses the Clinton's has a higher than average chance of committing suicide.

    Democrats own this:
