Thursday, August 25, 2022

Marc Elrich victory confirmed as Montgomery County Executive election results are certified

The Montgomery County Board of Elections certified the results of the July 19, 2022 gubernatorial primary election yesterday. A full recount in the Democratic Montgomery County Executive primary race confirmed the victory of incumbent Marc Elrich over second-place finisher David Blair. Final results showed Elrich with 55,504 votes, and Blair with 55,472 votes, a difference of only 32 votes.

Elrich will face Republican Reardon Sullivan in the November general election. While the lengthy counting and recount provided a final result more than a month after the primary, the small change in votes produced by the recount does help to boost confidence in the integrity of the vote-counting process in Montgomery County.


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Great job MoCo. You've reelected a former Socialist Party member and a Far Left radical ideologue. Joe Biden is coming to Richard Montgomery today. They'll have a few laughs no doubt. Worst executive maybe in the nation and he said in an interview that he should have won by more. Well, at least the win was razor thin. That's certainly not resounding support. The general means nothing. This county is all about fairness and equity, blah, blah. But no way, no how will a black man get a fair and close look by this wacko electorate not with an R next to his name. Heaven forbid. You get what you pay for. Four more years of Takoma Park governance. Everything will be banned now just watch.

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Crickets......from the righties! LMAO..

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Marc Elrich, and the failed woke policies he represents, is the reason I conceal carry in MD. Marc does not take the safety of Montgomery County residents seriously and it's only going to get worse over the next four years as Bethesda continues its descent into Aspen Hill.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    @7:53 AM: What is it that you want to hear from the "Righties"? The man is a disgrace and his failed policies on crime and Covid hurt a lot of people during his tenure. MoCo deserves much better than this and it's a shame that so many people in MoCo are willing to accept his failures by voting for him again.

  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Great result! 👍

  6. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Blair voter here. I'll be voting for Sullivan in November.

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Stop voting for democrats

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Wow amazing how Elrich found 32 votes after election. Did anyone spot ruby and her suitcase of ballots in moco?

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Fine by me as long as he never resurrects that Bone Headed Idea of having the Purple Line go from 2 Tracks down to 1 underneath Wisconsin Ave in Downtown Bethesda !!!!

  10. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I just threw up a bit in my mouth...

  11. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Reiner could have saved Moco from for more years of decline by thinking of the best for county and not fueling his ambitions and dropped out of the race. He believes his own bs.

  12. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Every time I read this blog site reaffirms my decision made last year to move away from Bethesda and the entire county.

  13. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "Every time I read this blog site reaffirms my decision made last year to move away from
    Bethesda and the entire county."
    Yup, I just bought a place in the Shenandoah Valley and realize there is no saving MoCo.
    I won't miss it as it is, I'll miss the good old times.
    And the Left will be happy I'm gone, so they can continue their circle jerk unabated.
    Way to ruin one of the once finest counties in America, Democrats - good job.
