Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Montgomery Avenue bikeway progress in downtown Bethesda (Photos)

The new Montgomery Avenue bikeway has been striped alongside the Avocet Tower development in downtown Bethesda, between Wisconsin Avenue and Waverly Street. It features a lane in each direction, and is mostly protected and separated from vehicle traffic by concrete islands. 

The bikeway will eventually extend west onto Montgomery Lane during construction of two new highrises there, and connect with bike lanes on Woodmont Avenue. This segment on Montgomery Avenue is on-schedule, as completion was anticipated in FY-2023, which began last month.


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Totally screwed up that road and took out a much needed travel lane. The construction adjacent to the old Tommy Joe's has gone unchanged with cones and flashing arrow for nearly 3 years now. Bike lanes are rarely used and are designed to do one thing, make car travel less and more difficult. Montgomery Lane and/or E-W Highway should be returned to two-way traffic.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Looks awesome. Condolences to the guy who perpetually whines that he can't drive through my neighborhood at highway speeds.

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    4:06 - Ridiculous and silly comment. This looks awesome? Said by an anti-car citizen clearly. Comrade Elrich applauds you. Open the roads up is the answer not shutting them down. These Far Lefties pass this kind of stuff and don't say anything about the horrific traffic they cause. Bethesda is impassable now with bike lanes that few ever use and endless construction being done on every corner. The master plan is to get rid of cars in the downtown area of Bethesda. That's a fact. Will it ever happen? No as it should not.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      As I said, condolences. I'll pray for you as you melt down for the 25th time over this minor stretch of bike lane.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      12:20 already seems melted. Chill out and take a nice car ride around town while you still can

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I thought a bike path was being put in parallel to the Purple Line. If so, this bike lane is redundant and make traffic congestion worse.


  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Oh no the densely populated area is becoming less convenient for single destination vehicle travel. We should build a flyovers from 7:11’s front door to wherever they need to go

  6. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I am as conservative as they get (around here). I loathe the entire Biden family. Voted for Trump twice. However, that being said, I also loathe cars. They are a blight on the environment. Its the only thing I agree with the (otherwise) idiot "progressives.
