Thursday, August 11, 2022

Police enforcing weight limits on Cabin John Aqueduct Bridge

Montgomery County police conducted an operation to enforce weight limits on the 158-year-old Cabin John Aqueduct Bridge in Cabin John yesterday. Several police cruisers sat on the east side of the bridge, awaiting commercial truck drivers who ignored two vehicle weight restriction signs posted between Wilson Lane and the west end of the bridge. The bridge, like MacArthur Boulevard itself, carries the Washington Aqueduct that supplies water from Great Falls to the Dalecarlia Reservoir. It spans Cabin John Creek and the Cabin John Parkway, and was completed in 1864.


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    After two years of Covid stress-eating, that pretty much bars my traveling across the span.

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    About time. I've seen moving vans and trucks with bulldozers ignoring the limit.

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    How often are these officers going to have to sit there? If they're doing this, they aren't patrolling around to prevent and catch other crimes.

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    @1:47PM - "Covid -stress-eating", you're telling us you are now too fat to drive across the bridge then huh?
