Wednesday, September 14, 2022

2 cars stolen in Potomac

Two cars were reported stolen from homes in Potomac near the Glenstone Museum late Sunday night. One was taken from the driveway of a home in the 10700 block of Red Barn Lane. At a second home about 15 minutes away in the 12000 block of Wetherfield Lane, one or more thieves gained entry to the house through an unlocked door. They apparently obtained the keys to a vehicle, which they then stole.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    There go two more.

    You'd figure having your car stolen (or having a friend's or family member's car stolen) would be enough to change someone's mind about voting for Marc Elrich, but I guess it's an acceptable cost of being woke to have your car stolen and still vote for Elrich.

    Elrich won his primary by 32 votes against David Blair.

    in 2019, there were 914 Motor Vehicle Thefts.
    In 2020, there were 1,178 Motor Vehicle Thefts.
    In 2021, there were 1,444 Motor Vehicle Thefts.

    I can guarantee you that at least 32 Marc Elrich voters had their cars stolen over the last few years, and still voted for the guy over David Blair, who ran on a public safety platform:

    "Public safety is job one for the county executive. We need to adequately fund the police department, urgently respond to increasing crime wherever and whenever it arises, and vastly improve education, anti-poverty, youth services and equal justice."

    "We must ensure that police treat all residents with respect. Safety and equity must go hand in hand."


    Simply incredible.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Yep. I’ll be voting Republican for the first time ever. And I believe Reiner ran to split the vote and elect Elrich.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      It truly blows me away how many people keep voting for the corrupt career politicians that are looting the treasury blatantly and provide less and less to the taxpayers, while our taxes go higher and higher. The police continuously say that the budget was cut from the auto theft division so things are only going to get worse. Every day it seems, I read about stolen cars, broken in homes but we think voting for the same crap is going to change? The politicians campaign on lies and if they were actually going to do something, why haven't they done it in term 1, 2, 3? Crime everywhere is worse and you cant even let your child go to the mall with friends for fear of them being assaulted. They are worse, Elrich doesn't care about any of us and especially our kids as he wants them masked, vaxxed, boosted, boosted again, then learn online, give money to the school board for ventilation systems that were never installed. We have been lied to and bamboozled for years. Wake up already. parents cant even speak up at school board meetings about CRT, books about sex, books about adults letting kids watch them have sex. its something I never ever thought I would type about but this county just loves to reward poor performance over and over and over. Basically the country does this too as some of these politicians have been around my whole life and in the private sector would be fired for not producing real results.

    3. Anonymous3:42 PM

      The comment section full of people waking up and declaring they'll vote the worthless politicians out of office in Montgomery County gives me hope.

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    For 2022: "As of June 6, there have been 511 auto thefts in the county this year, according to police spokesperson Carlos Cortes-Vazquez." (

    It didn't matter. I'm sure at least 32 people who had their cars stolen in 2022 still voted for Marc Elrich too. Unreal.

  3. Anonymous11:42 AM

    The way that 8:20 AM and 9:23 AM put it is truly mind-blowing when you think about it. Having their car stolen wasn't enough to make these Elrich voters change their vote to the primary challenger who ran on a public safety message which included a strong equity component. Absolutely astonishing.

    Hey Reardon! Reach out to the car theft victims who voted for Elrich. Tell them there's a better choice.

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM

    When do these ultra affluent Potomac and Bethesda neighborhoods start hiring their own private police? They need nightly patrols.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Looks like Montgomery County is going the way of South Africa today so look to that to envision the future

  5. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Look at some of the wealthy neighborhoods in St. Louis, Chicago, NYC & LA which have hired private police forces. A couple of houses in Chevy Chase already has some plus MCPD near Kavanagh's house thanks to a useless AG. Sidwell Friends in Edgemoor has private security as well.

    Elrich, the MC Council and liberal DA's have failed the citizens of MC and demoralized MCPD. Blair was probably a better choice but they're really two peas in the same pod and the rest of the council, (some running unopposed), would continue along the same path. Unless democrat voters had an epiphany, which is unlikely due to party loyalty over logic, we are destined to be 3rd world subjects.

  6. Anonymous1:18 PM

    @1:54 PM: They're really conflicted about this. They know they need the private police to deter and prevent these crimes, but they also realize It's incredibly privileged of them as wealthy people to be able to pay for private police while the rest of the community suffers from under-policing because it can't afford the private force.

  7. Anonymous6:29 AM

    It is the liberal agenda as they truly represent the 1%ers. The rest of the population will need to go fish.

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Meanwhile, Strosnider's in Kensington was broken into last night - they smashed the glass side door near the garden entrance - and 9 Stihl chainsaws were stolen with a value of $4500.
    It was 3 am and the thugs were driving - a BMW.
    Good job, Democrats!

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    6:16 PM: No doubt it was a bunch of neurosurgeons who stole these chainsaws. The police should start their investigation at Suburban Hospital.

  10. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Love the idea of a private police force for Potomac and Bethesda!

  11. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Isn’t what the police are paid for?

  12. Anonymous11:16 AM

    As 1:18 PM said earlier, these affluent Potomac and Bethesda residents have realized and decided that they're fine with supporting the elected officials like Elrich who promulgate the failed policies and under-policing of other MoCo neighborhoods as long as they're able to procure and provide a private police force for themselves.

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM

    @12:50 PM: Why not have more police for everyone?
