Monday, September 26, 2022

Car stolen in Brookmont area of Bethesda

Montgomery County police are investigating the theft of a vehicle in the Brookmont area of Bethesda on Saturday afternoon, September 24, 2022. The vehicle was parked on the street in the 6500 block of Brookes Hill Court when it was reported stolen at 4:24 PM Saturday.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    In Elrich's America. Every, single night this happens. Please someone here tell me when this type of crime occurred in our area and this badly. I'll wait.

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    welcome to Silver Spring!

  3. Anonymous7:43 AM

    It used to be a big deal when a family home was robbed by masked men. Now that is becoming common, along with the auto and catalytic converter thefts. Where are our police? Where are all of our tax dollars going?

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    This whining of me, me, me, is absolutely ridiculous. You people think you are the ONLY ones who have been the victims of crime, and thus, the ONLY fault lies with a democratic elected official. Get off your damned high horse and look around you. The other hoity toity counties in this region are experiencing the same situations, your are no damned better off than Fairfax, Arlington, Loudon, or Frederick. God forbid I mention Prince George's, but them as well. So shut your trap and look elsewhere for the blame. Crime is up everywhere, even where the ruling party is the blamer group of GOP'ers.

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    In Robert's blog, 7:18. Every, single time this happens you write the same mind-numbing thing. Please someone here tell me when this type of insipid commenting occurred in this blog and this badly. I'll wait.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      10:33 - what a juvenile comment

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    7:43 - And how exactly these vehicles being stolen. Hot wiring a car is only done in the movies. Some leave their key fob in the car which is clearly not a good idea. But how else are these cars being taken? I'd like to know. I've asked but have not gotten an answer except a rather snarky one here from another commenter. Does the public care how? Again, yes, of course residents want to know if for no other reason that it gives them information on how not to be a victim themselves.

  7. Anonymous4:32 PM

    10:13 & 10:33 Must be Brandon employees because talking points that contradict reality is hilarious on its face but sad because the very policies promoted by democrats ARE the reason we are where we are. Blaming a party completely out of power for your own failings is pathetic but hardly surprising.

    10:50 is unable to understand why cars are stolen because the MSM hasn't told them. Guess what happens when you don't incarcerate criminals who steal cars using RELAY THEFT for the forth time? THEY STEAL AGAIN!

    5-year olds understand these basic principles but liberals apparently do not.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      4:32 - I love it. Perfect. Well said. I was the one who asked about the way in which these cars are being stolen. No one is reporting that aspect at all. Doesn't make sense to me.

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    4:32, you seem to have lots of answers. You should run for office. Seriously. You have wisdom and insight and an understanding of the scene that eludes most of the folks around here. You should step up and put your ideas and proposals forward on the hustings.

  9. Anonymous7:50 AM

    To all the RWNJ's who continually blab about "Brandons", or "libs", or "democrats(sic)"; for "blaming a party completely out of power" for our failings! Give me a Fn break, your people are in chargem just as much as the democratic party. But not matter how much you B & M about any societal problem, you never once present any solutions. Why, because you got nothing. NADDA! Just a plethora of empty rhetoric.

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    6:32 -- hit a bit too close to home for your comfort, I take it.

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    10:50 - All I can say is whether you have a Key Fob or a Chip Key it is UNWISE to leave the doors unlocked. Because experienced car thieves can figure out how to hot wire these cars if they can get in the car and unlock the HOOD. So, yes people please LOCK YOUR CARS !

  12. Anonymous3:22 AM

    7:50 - Here's part of the solution. Elect Sully Reardon for County Exec. Elrich deserves another 4 year term? I'm sorry but the buck doesn't stop with him? He and his Council fools are ruining this county little by little. The one party system in this county isn't working. None of these folks in Rockville have any idea what they're doing. They can all go back to academia where they belong. And anyone on the Right is a nut. Got it. You're dismissed.

  13. Anonymous6:20 AM

    @7:50 AM: No, Republicans are not in charge in Montgomery County, which is the locality we're discussing. Republicans have no say in police funding or staffing levels in MoCo. Republicans have no say in County-level prosecution discretion. You're coming from a real place of privilege. I hope your car is stolen next so that you can truly live your own values and failed policies.

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Start by enforcing the laws already on the books and not handing out get-out-of-jail cards to repeat offenders. Problem solved but that's a bridge too far for democrats when they can keep whining about crime & violence that they caused but won't take responsibility for.

  15. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Start by enforcing the laws already on the books and not handing out get-out-of-jail cards to repeat offenders. Problem solved but that's a bridge too far for democrats when they can keep whining about crime & violence that they caused but won't take responsibility for.

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    You know it's entirely possible that it was stolen from an Elrich voter who will now decide to vote Republican instead.

  17. Anonymous7:16 AM

    @4:17 - ROTFLMAO! You people really are full of yourselves.

  18. Anonymous7:30 AM

    6:16 & 7:50 Can't understand why criminals keep committing crimes when liberal DA's keep releasing the very same people arrested over and over again.

    Seriously, if liberals drop another IQ point someone is going to need to start watering them.

  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    @7:16 AM: You know, you could be right that having your car stolen might not be enough to change an Elrich vote to a Republican vote.

    In 2019, there were 914 Motor Vehicle Thefts in MoCo.
    In 2020, there were 1,178 Motor Vehicle Thefts in MoCo.
    In 2021, there were 1,444 Motor Vehicle Thefts in MoCo.
    For 2022: "As of June 6, there have been 511 auto thefts in the county this year, according to police spokesperson Carlos Cortes-Vazquez." (

    Elrich defeated Blair, who ran on a strong public safety and equity platform in the Primary, by 32 votes.

    So a lot of Elrich voters had their cars stolen in the past few years and they simply didn't care. It wasn't enough to make them vote for someone different in their own party's Primary and reject the failures of the incumbent. You could be right that it won't be enough to make them vote for a Republican in the General either.

  20. Anonymous12:11 PM

    7:16 AM: What are you saying here? Are you saying that Elrich voters will still vote for him even if their car is stolen?

  21. Anonymous12:40 PM

    7:16 AM just said the quiet part out loud. Elrich supporters are so loyal that they can have their cars stolen and they'll still pull the lever for the County Executive under whose leadership it happened. Incredible.

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    National Insurance Crime Bureau logo (PRNewsfoto/National Insurance Crime Bureau)

    National Insurance Crime Bureau
    Sep 28, 2022, 07:00 ET

    Funny, no mention of political fault ANYWHERE in this article, you cons.

  23. Anonymous1:43 PM

    To build on 10:46 AM's point: It's not just that Elrich voters don't care if their own car is stolen to the point that they won't change their vote to the pro-safety primary challenger over it, Elrich voters don't care if anyone else's car is stolen either. That's why they're prepared to vote for Elrich again, no matter what. It's really something else.

  24. Anonymous6:25 PM

    @9:19 There wouldn't be an assignment of political guilt on those reports unlike MSM who likes to blame everything bad on the side they don't support. Sad that there has to be an explanation to anyone on this fact but here you are.

    Is it Republican DA's releasing repeat offenders with little or no bail? Once again an explanation that shouldn't need to be made but to MSM viewers, ignorance is bliss.

    What do DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NYC, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Memphis, Seattle and virtually every city in the top crime stats? Run by democrats.

  25. Anonymous5:39 AM

    @9:19 AM: Thanks for sharing.

    "To stop this lawlessness, we must focus our attention on these criminals and take back our streets," Glawe said. "We must re-invest in our law enforcement."

    "Despite the disbanding of its auto theft unit due to budget cuts, police are still investigating stolen vehicles. Montgomery County police report 1,137 vehicles have been stolen so far this year."

    Disbanding due to budget cuts... Go on, you can say what it is and under whose leadership it happened. I'll help you spell it too: D-e-f-u-n-d-e-d u-n-d-e-r M-a-r-c E-l-r-i-c-h.
