Monday, September 05, 2022

Montgomery County Executive candidate Reardon Sullivan releases new campaign ad

Reardon Sullivan
, the Republican nominee for Montgomery County Executive, has released a new campaign ad. "Montgomery County has changed," he says as the ad begins. "We were once the premier county in the country, but now violent crime has skyrocketed in our neighborhoods and schools. Our police are not supported, and can't do their jobs." 

Sullivan accuses the County's public school system of "pushing radical social agendas," instead of "the real lessons our children need to learn." He notes the trend of businesses leaving the county or closing, and the financial impact of that on County revenues. Alluding to the disatisfaction of a majority of Democratic primary voters with the incumbent executive, Sullivan asks, "[D]o you really want another four years of Marc Elrich?"

The ad ends with an appeal for voters to make their choice based on the areas of agreement residents have about the future of the County, as opposed to on the basis of party labels. “Now voters have a clear choice to make in the General Election," Sullivan said in a statement announcing the video this morning, "and I ask all voters for their support and their vote so together we can put Montgomery County back on the right track.”


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I stand with Reardon! He's speaking truth on all fronts.

    It amazes me how so many MoCo voters are even considering giving Marc Elrich another four years to bring more failure after the last four years of his failure.

  2. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I would vote for this gentleman if I was not decamping to Florida. This may be your last chance to save this moribund county. And he's a "person of color" so its win/win for you white progressives.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    He should drop the "radical social agenda" bit to appeal to moderate Democrats who supported Blair. He already has the Republican votes in the bag.

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Way to bring out the big guns. Go Sully! Last thing we need is Elrich and Wes Moore. That would take MD backwards. Full and complete Dem contro in MDl? Not something anyone should feel good about.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Quit rubbing the lamp, the genie ain't buying it.

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    4:36: Why is pointing out radical social agendas divisive. The divisive ones are those that
    think that being a minority deprived one of moral agency. So if you are caught breaking the law you should be let go.

  6. Anonymous3:34 AM

    He's got no chance with all the racist Democrats in MoCo who Virtue Signal in broad daylight, then pull the D lever behind the curtain. Hypocrites, know thy name!

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    It's amazing how many MoCo voters continue to tolerate the public safety failures of Elrich and his cronies on the Council.

    Reardon is speaking truth about the problem and these voters are unwilling to even consider that he's right about it.
