Friday, September 23, 2022

Strong-arm robbery in Bethesda parking lot

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a strong-arm robbery in Bethesda early yesterday afternoon. The robbery was reported in a commercial parking lot in the 5100 block of River Road at 1:10 PM.


  1. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Fake news

    - MC Council

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Talk about bold and brazen. That's most likely 7-11. What on earth is going on? These crooks need to taste a few bullets. That'll stop this quickly. The MoCo police are great but that's really what wear and carry is all about for those who wish to get trained and permitted. You're your own first responder. The police are coming and yes, should be called immediately. But they're too late for a strong arm robbery that could and often does escalate in a life threatening direction. Where is Comrade Elrich on this? The county exec needs to be on TV or making statements weekly about this if not daily. Where's the MoCo police chief on this crime? This is really unbelievable.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    7-11, Talbert's or self-storage?

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    "No, we still won't change our failing policies on this or increase funding for more police."

    - MoCo Council

  5. Anonymous3:37 PM

    @9:29 AM: Yup, definitely bold and brazen to do that in broad daylight in such a high traffic area.

    I'm one of those MD Wear and Carry people, and I do Wear and Carry for this exact reason. If someone tried this on me, I would be firing rounds in self-defense to a deadly threat. I practice regularly for it, but I hope it never happens. I don't want it to be my job to prevent crime.

    Comrade Elrich isn't on TV because he wants to win an election and if he started talking about crime in MoCo, he'd have to admit that he's done everything wrong on addressing it. The MoCo Police Chief is probably keeping his mouth shut so he keeps his job, but it's a certainty that he wants more money for additional officers to patrol.

  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I'm all for the God-given right to self-defense and am a strong Second Amendment supporter but Maryland is not a stand-your-ground state. What do you all say about the risk of being prosecuted if you shoot someone in legitimate self-defense but had the opportunity to retreat? Unless the shooter is a Dem and the perp a Rep, prosecution is a real possibility.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      4:28 - that's a great point and I want to know more about that in light of the SCOTUS landmark case that now opens the door to anyone in MD who wants to carry a firearm. is this one step forward, two steps back? i hope not but you're correct. in Maryland, you are supposed to flee from danger under the law. how does self-defense cons into play then at all? good question.

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Keep voting democrat …we are living ina live simulation of the PURGE

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I think we're probably about two weeks away from a New York Times column by David Brooks (who I think lives in or near Bethesda, and who may well be a reader of this blog), who coined the term "Bobos" (Bourgeois Bohemians) in his 2000 book, "Bobos in Paradise," about. . . "The Rise of the Rambobos."

  9. Anonymous5:48 AM

    3:37 - Agree 100%

  10. Anonymous10:20 AM

    @5:24 & @6:34 Virginia is calling you to come back home. Please leave now.

  11. Anonymous8:07 PM

    As 4:28 PM mentioned: Have a look at this article -->

    In Maryland, you can defend yourself against attackers with “reasonable force” so long as you're not the initial aggressor. If you're the person claiming self-defense and you killed someone, the use of deadly force is only justified if you can show the attacker was using deadly force or that you believed your life was in danger.

    Reasonable force applies to the duty to retreat. If you’re in a situation where you have free movement, and it’s a reasonable option for you to escape, then you have an obligation to remove yourself from the area.

    However, you don’t have an obligation to retreat if the aggressor has put you in a position where you would put yourself in danger if you were to turn back or if you were to attempt to retreat.

    8:29 AM: Maryland is one the minority of states with a "Duty to Retreat". That's why it's important to also carry non-lethal options like pepper spray/gel which can help you escape and evade a situation if necessary.

    1. Anonymous5:04 AM

      I've advocated here the Byrna system. Look it up. It's a non-lethal pistol style weapon that fires both kinetic charge and pepper balls. It's not cheap but is 100% legal to carry with no permitting and no fear of crazy laws requiring you to retreat. It's also very effective. This needs to be flushed out here. How can you now carry a firearm in MD but can only use it within very specific parameters? This needs to be explained.

  12. Anonymous6:47 AM

    3:37 - Correct on feckless leaders who are doing anything but. Good point. Again, Sully Reardon should be hammering this daily. It takes a lot of money though to do that effectively. I think an ad, right on Old Georgetown Road, would be pretty compelling.

  13. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Day by day it's becoming downtown silver spring!!!!!! Scary seeing this happen!
